What Halo 3 map do you do the best on and why? Mine is Guardian, because I know alot of shortcuts and hiding places and I'm good at close quarters combat:squirrel_evil:.
i'd have to say ghost town. i don't know why but almost everytime i play it i always get mvp with the most kills or captures. also i'm beast with any plasma rifle especially the one on ghost town
I guess I'm different. I'm the only one so far in this thread that does well in a large vehicle map, in this case Avalanche.
Most of the time anyway. Assault games, I have trouble with, as well as Neutral Assault. I also played a good game last night on Last Resort, simply 'resorting' to a Sniper for the whole game, ending up with a Perfection, Sharpshooter, and a Rampage (pun intended). Here's the link to the Carnage on Bungie.net
I do well on: -Every map that has a laser... -Every map that does NOT resemble Epitaph... -Every map where the other team consistently sucks... But in all seriousness, my best maps are High Ground and Valhalla IMO.
I normally start owning people when Construct or Guardian comes up. On Construct you end up having way more even battles because the power weapons are limited and not as effective on that map. As a result of this I normally do really well because I have a good BR that will beat most people. Guardian is one of those maps where you can just outskill the opposition and win by strategy and tactics. As long the other team isn't camping the snipe tower with shotgun and hammer I usually fare pretty well.
Rumble pit (sword) on epitath or guardian Rumble pit (slayer) on guardian CG on fundry Forge on Avalanche and Fundry Campain on The Convenant Bloodgulch mod on Halo CE Chorrol on Oblivion ....... Foundry is Funny
Yeah, I agree with guardian. I usually do okay on construct, but overall maps with flat-ish geometry where I can use my incredible frag grenades are best. And for us two, foundry is the map we never lose on.
Got that right. And yea, I have no idea why, but we always seem to destroy everyone on Foundry. Probably because of the two snipers that we usually own the other team with.
Well, for SWAT, its Construct... Basically because all it takes is a HALF-DECENT team and you stay at the top of the orange lift and whoop A$$ Otherwise, I love The Pit- I feel at home there and- unlike some- i know that shotgun beats energy sword 99% of the time. Also High Ground cos of Lazer/Mauler/Sniper in Lazer tower... ahhh...