Since you love trying to demean opponents by falsely accusing them of doing something, I'll point out the fact that you are doing so (He facepalmed. So did I. So did the world. Accuse us all). Romance novels bore me to death. They are the worst books in the world. They should go. What's wrong with my argument? The same thing as it is with yours; OTHER PEOPLE THINK DIFFERENTLY. What is wrong with my argument, oh egotistical and ignorant Telrad?
I'd have to say Viva Piñata, also. I used to play the demo for hours ... =( I even contemplated buying it, but didn't. It's an addictive game, say what you want.
Halo 3 because everyone I know plays COD, so when I tell them I play Halo I get a group of "WHY?!?!?" and "TAT GAMZ STTOOPIT". youre ashamed of liking a game so you join an internet forum about it? makes no sense...........
... I think you're the one not getting it here. Anyhow, not really ashamed to like it, but I love playing Dance Dance Revolution. It really works your legs.
i lold actually i used to play that for the ps2. it was ok, but after a while i was like omgwtfbbq?! and then the sequels sucked assssssmg:
Pokemon D/P. I am the only person I know who still plays Pokemon games. Oh, also, I played the heck out of Yugi-oh the Sacred Cards.