yea, it would be cool to be able to hit "X" on anything and change physics from normal to fixed or phased as a prank, when a co-worker goes the the bathroom you set his chair to "phased" before he gets back
Just don't go setting things to normal in real life while they are phased in another object. We do not need another inter-dimensional wormhole opening up.
they would fuse on a molecular level, and probably kill the parties involved no wormhole will be made
A gravlift. Put it in front of a mill, generate infinite power, solve world energy crisis, rake in the dough.
I wouldn't mind a man cannon to get to work, although i think that landing may break my legs. Also, a dominion turret in my front lawn would be fantastic.
A juicy special FX, girls might find me more attractive. Alternatively an ordinance drop might come in handy every now and then.. @narfidy, forgive me if im wrong, but dont you have to have respawn points inside a respawn zone for the zone to work?
I only think the re-spawn zones work when you have them set to teams. I am not sure entierly but they seem to work by them selves in like CTF and such. So I would set it to "Narf" team and I would kill myself and re spawn all around whenever I wanted