Not to mention the last game (to my knowledge) with A.I. was Perfect Dark for the N64, obviously, the A.I. would be more intelligent than the way those played, but in our current age, I highly doubt any game would be able to effectively implement A.I. that can play as if it were human. It's a very thin line between unintelligent and overpowering. In Perfect Dark, Normal and Hard simulants could be difficult to kill, but you could also learn what they're programmed to do, whereas, Dark sims were just completely overpowing, capable of walking around corners looking in your direction and getting a headshot. Even in ODST's Campaign and Firefight, I can think of multiple situations where an enemy would get stuck behind an object on the map and do the same animation over and over trying to escape. While it's not impossible that A.I. would be included, I wouldn't hold my breath.
Am I the only one that noticed that the 3 game detail viewers were Social, Arena and Custom Games for the Beta? Was there anything posted about this? Because so far it sounds like after they pull the plug you'll be limited to playing off of a fraction of what you downloaded primarily locally, possibly split screen. Someone tell me if I'm blindly mistaken...
Fancy List Is Fancy... Customizable load outs - By changing game type settings the player would be able to customize what classes are used in that game type. Improved Infection - The infected are the flood, and when the flood kill a human, the human does not die and respawn as infected, but gets transformed into one of the flood like in the campaign. Map and Game Type Descriptions - In Halo: Reach some of you may have noticed that by pressing pause during a game, there is a description of what you are playing on the right hand side. Like in Invasion Slayer it says something like "Elites + Spartans + Slayer = Kills" So I think this should be customizable, just like the one that appears at the start of the game. Customizable Armor Abilities - The ability to change the traits of the armor abilities like by adding infinite sprint, or fuel for the jetpack. Or by making jetpacks last longer. I would also like to see the addition of player made armor abilities. Customizable Medals - Award players for accomplishing tasks related to the game, like by getting the most headshots or splatters.