Ive been making a new map and This is the new base I designed. I would like to know what you guys think.
Design looks pretty good, but I agree with the dude above. Though I trust you will add much more to the final design
For starters your base looks well made. Three level with custom heights looks very playable from your pics. A nice creative effort too. For gameplay I'm guessing you're going to cut off some LOS and not completely hinder the ability to get on top of vertical doubleboxes. Well done though.
thanks guys. ive taken what youve said into consideration and ive made osme adjustments that i think should improve the base
It looks really nice. Don't listen Entity, he has what we liek to call a "problem". BTW, I hope you realize (not me!) someone is going to look at this and say "OMG HEE HAZ GIVIN MEH A GRAET IDAE!!! I SHAL YOUSE THIS IN MAH OWN MAAPPPP!!!!!!!!!ONEONEONEONEONE!!!""" Sorry, but that's happened before.
yeah it will probably happen but this thread will always be there if any one ever says i stole from them when they use it first. i can just refer to this thread
I would have to agree. The random? multiple level idea is interesting and unique, but from those pics, it actually makes my head hurt. I would have to walk around on it to tell more. But if the maps should be like this, remember to keep this style consistent throughout your map, to keep the flow going.
the third picture is probably the best one. i have made changes and i am now done every single base in the map this will be on. this base is on the map twice, along with another base i developed today. i havent decided on a name for my map yet, but it will probably be coming out later this week.
so i have finished forging the map that this base is on. i will be testing it all day if anyone wants to help ,my GT is wheezyy