What do you think of the SMD and what would you like to see?

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Nestik, Mar 13, 2009.


Rate the SMD based on usefulness and ease-of-access etc. etc.

  1. 1 - Not so good

    0 vote(s)
  2. 2 - Meh, its alright

    1 vote(s)
  3. 3 - It's good and i use it from time to time.

    4 vote(s)
  4. 4 - I love it.

    9 vote(s)
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  1. Nestik

    Nestik Ancient
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    Hey all! If you don't know what the SMD is i'll explain. The SMD is the abbreviation of Sandbox Map Database, which is the name (Captain Obvious).

    Anyways, I wanted to see what you all thought of it, if you find it useful, and what you would like to see on it and what changes you'd like to see on it.

    Basically post a reply telling me what you thought of it and vote on the poll for a rating, and if you have any ideas or you'd like to see anything added/changed post your idea, I made it for the community and your the ones that make it possible, so why make it to where you all can't share your thoughts and ideas on it?

    If you haven't seen the SMD then go check it out here!

    Anyways, thanks ahead of time for any of your ideas, i'll consider any idea anyone has to offer, just make sure you tell me in as much detail as possible so i can get a good idea of what you mean and i'll see what i can do!
  2. Transhuman Plus

    Transhuman Plus Ancient
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    Well there is an extra empty line in the gap between "Remakes" and "Non-halo remakes", there are 5 classifications (now) and you could capitalise the "Halo" in "Non-halo remakes". OCD aside, Maybe you could create a separate list of all the maps organised by map creation date, that way people will be able to tell what map have came out since the last time they checked the database.
    Finally it looks like one of the Crypt canvas maps deleted the spawn points (which count towards OLN), so the other one will be more useful to players. (Not 100% sure if they are there or not, as I don't have the maps, but if they aren't you should get rid of that map in favour of the other one). Also there may be more maps here:
    Halo 3 Community Files
    that you haven't got.

    Other than that... Keep up the good work! I was planning to make a database of the maps, but couldn't have done nearly as well as you have.
  3. Nestik

    Nestik Ancient
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    Lol, thanks for your feedback and ill do what i can :D
  4. sharku249

    sharku249 Ancient
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    i really like the database, however do you thibk you could also add links to the forgehub threads of the maps so we can see what they look like.
  5. TheRayzerTag

    TheRayzerTag Ancient
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    It's at B-net, so I'll guess it's good. I like it myself. PS: urk gives credit this time. He didn't do that when he posted a vid about Moonwaffle.
  6. Metallic Snake

    Metallic Snake Ancient
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    id really like a star rating system, and a link to the actual map post, so i can see an adiquate amount of pictures, and read a post. other than that, keep up the good work.
  7. xjfisch25x

    xjfisch25x Ancient
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    Can you put my map up?

    I have a map on my file share with pics and was wondering if you could put it on ur list.

    Heres my map
    Halo 3 File Details
  8. xjfisch25x

    xjfisch25x Ancient
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  9. Nestik

    Nestik Ancient
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    A majority of the maps in the SMD are linked to the FH post, so no worries there. The few that are linked to the file share are only linked that way because they may not have been on FH and i heard about them from a fellow player/forger or i looked at them myself.

    And about the star rating system, I may incorparate this, but i won't be the one to rate it, it'd seem too discrimatory and more too my opinions, so perhaps a voting system of sorts the community could use. Someone mentioned somewhere about Alphabetizing the list also, I'm looking into this as well.

    Also, soon i'll be giving the SMD and entire new "Face" if you will.

    So keep the suggestions coming, i made this database for the community therefor it should be designed to the community's liking.
  10. Spirit798

    Spirit798 Ancient
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    It is awesome.
    You should keep it up, keep it refreshed. If needed be, ask for help as soon as Sandbox is released on the marketplace, because then the place'll flood with new maps.
    Among which mine!
    (already made some Sketchup maps. Only one finished, but hey.)

    This may be hard to do on a forum (right?), but it'd be nice to see a system like bungie's percentage (vote 1-10) system, so that you know what others think before even clicking the link.
    Perhaps popularity would be ok, but I honestly think that's no good.
    The earliest maps that get good ratings are highly likely to remain most popular.
    Then again, that's how it happens in real life, right..?

    Also, how about making a sub-category for each category?
    Skybubble, Floor, Crypt.
    Any map that uses two or more of those floors lands outside of these subcategories.
    Might not be as usefull as I think, but it's handy if you're looking for just Crypt maps, or Skybubble maps, etc.
    OR you could tag the maps with "Skybubble", "Crypt, Floor" "Floor, Skybubble", "Crypt, Floor, Skybubble", showing what floors are used.

    .. But honestly, I'm trying too hard to suggest something.
    It's already wonderfull the way it is. A rating system is the only addition I -really- want to see heavily.
  11. Nestik

    Nestik Ancient
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    I like these ideas. I'll see what i can do, as for the rating system i'm going to try and talk to some mods to see what suggestions they give me on how to do that, it's a definite.
  12. Insane54

    Insane54 Ancient
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    I actually don't really like rating systems. It's degrading when people say 4.8/5 because your pictures look like gameplay MIGHT be bad for blah blah, you know? Even if you've played it it's still annoying, I wouldn't do with ratings. Maybe a 'My Favorites' area, that could be cool. Or even list them in order of what you like best. You can do a rating system if you want, but I've never liked em. Find them horribly annoying.
  13. Nestik

    Nestik Ancient
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    Well if I do a rating system it won't be based on my opinion but the communities. I'd also try to only have it to where you can only rate the map if you've played on it.

    Perhaps I could also make a Community Favorites section?
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