I've always been about creating mini-games. It really worries me that the release of Forge may not come with many of the non-traditional game types that flourish with Forge and currently aren't in the game. I'm looking at you, infection, juggernaut, race, assault and many more.
I'm solely a competitive forger, but seeing these poll results is a bit disappointing. Forge thrived most when there was a good balance between all of these different forge genres. The reduction in gametypes and in custom gametype options has severely impacted the forge scene (and the Halo population overall) for the worse. I hope this is something that gets addressed ASAP.
This. I'm glad forge is so versatile now but I really hope they just go nuts with gametypes this time too. VIP didn't really get used in H3 till near the end of its lifespan but it helped increase the longevity and variety of the game.