What do you Hate about Halo 3 Match making?

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by iahamp240, May 13, 2008.

  1. QKT

    QKT Ancient
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    i hate shishka
  2. stin10

    stin10 Ancient
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    ok, i got a funny story about this little kid in matchmaking, well i decided to do the double exp weekend thing because it was infection and i needed a break from real competativeness. so me and my friend enter a game, and this little kid says "OMG DON'T VETO, I LOVE THIS MAP, STIN10, ARE YOU GONNA VETO?" and i am stin so i respond, ya, i hate this map, but i had no idea what it actually was. then like 5 other people start yelling at the kid because of his high voice, and out of the chaos one guy who sounded lke 18 or something says" c'mon guys, what is your problem he's just a little kid. then he gets made fun of and mimicked fro the rest of the game. i was rofling
  3. soccerholic1816

    soccerholic1816 Ancient
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    Funny true story about an annoying kid:

    We were in the pre-game lobby, there were like 5 of us with mics. Then this llittle kid starts talking with his anooying voice. "Hey guys, could rate my rap? I want to be a professional rapper." So me and and couple of the other guys chuckle and say fine. So then he starts. I swear, every other word was profane. So one of the other guys says, "Wait, wait, wait, how old are you?" "I'm ten." "You shouldn't saying things like that!" "Shutup!" *whine whine whine* *quit*.

    I don't find little kids any more annoying than all the other people, just if they don't shutup, swear, etc. But pretty much everyone is like that. So I pretty much hate the people on Xbox Live, lol. There are some people that are okay though.

    QUINN HAS A GUN Ancient
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    My list:

    F**k Up Forgers:
    Anyone that will beg and plead for you to send them a party invite so they can see what your doing. Harmless right? Wrong!! As soon as they spawn they will glance around and decide that you deserve to have your painstaking hours of forging vanish with that a**holes laughs.

    Anyone under 14 with a voice: No-one whats to here about your higher rank or the fact that you got a no scope. Whining and boasting about nothing! Oh, and they can't seem to comprehend how uncool, unoriginal, and retarded chaining curse words together makes you sound. You screwed my mom last night? What did see say, is it in yet? Everyone knows its false, so why say it so many f**king times?!

    Overlap forgers: People that will try to create a useless piece of forge on your own map. (While your still making it!) If you can't stand still for five minutes get out of my forge!

    Recon worshipers: I have played quite a few games where someone had Recon armor, and I'm not sure I will ever wear it if I had it. The whole game the same two kids kept screaming (with high voices) on and on about the guy on the other team with Recon armor. He has Recon, lets ask him for it! On and on and on.
  5. Rogue Shadow IV

    Rogue Shadow IV Ancient
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    O I so hate those kind of little brats they always wine about thats not fair or hay that was mine. Once in a custom game on of those little brats was the party leader and I push the kid off the edge and it started running its mouth off and booted me, but for fun I invited all the kids players got all of them. I don't know how it reacted, but I bet it wasn't pritty.
  6. TheKeebobBobagawa

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    Squeekers: People who yell into the freaking mic with a high-pitch voice.

    Serious Bitches: Bitches that are too serious. Like in that Arby n The Cheif video. but it's funny cause I end up putting them on YouTube.

    As to lag, yeah it sucks, but you probably lagged some people before, and it's just a game so you should get over it.
  7. American10

    American10 Ancient
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    Um ill sum it up in one word, everything.Matchmaking is fail.
  8. sangheili dude

    sangheili dude Ancient
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    Lag-although i dont get it much any more it still bugs me when im having fun with freinds all of a sudden their like i can't hear you and i when im shooting someone im the one who's really dead.

    Moaners (dude its just a game theres no big deal about it)-i got someone on my freinds list like who's like that, when you kill them their like OMG HOW DID YOU DO THAT? and in team games if you steal their kills their like OMG THAT WAS MY KILL NOW I WILL LOOK LIKE A NOOB! and when you take the objective item their like I WANNA TAKE IT(um mate either way if one of us scores we'll still be ahead of the opponents)

    shotty/sword campers-on a level with those weapons on im looking for someone to kill then turn a corner, BLAM i get killed by a shotgun camper or a sword camper and they get a cheap kill, i dont mind if its a shotgun or sword match because you can easilly counter them but when its not my best counter is a close range plama grenade stick.
    #28 sangheili dude, Aug 31, 2008
    Last edited: Aug 31, 2008
  9. Brodellsky

    Brodellsky Ancient
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    One thing I hate the most.
    Say I'm playing a ranked game, Team Slayer. I have a 45, a 39, a 41 and a 42 in my party, those being all of our highest ranks. We find a match, and we get into the game. Lets see, a 44, a 38, a 46, and a 42. Fair enough, but lets see their highest skills and EXP. Oh? Two 50s, a 49 and a 46. Bungie needs to match by highest Skill, not what skill you are in a certain playlist, because stuff like that happens all the time, and is as every bit as ridiculous as the last time it happened.
  10. forgyforge

    forgyforge Ancient
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    I hate quiters, 2 year old screamers and some of the maps. Other than that its OKAY.
  11. greenelephants

    greenelephants Ancient
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    Hm, the fact that it can just be so stressful. I mean, if I go into the game with the intention to win or whatnot, it's very frustrating when you don't and you've basically wasted your time. I mean, yeah, you get experience (Not Exp, I mean like actual experience), but it's still very annoying sometimes, and all you take from it is that the game irritates you an awful lot.

    But yeah, also, people who just complain about the game not working. Like "I GOT THAT HEADSHOT, THAT'S BULL!" and stuff. Yeah, I've had that problem, we all have. It's part of the game.

    I'm a bit of a hypocrite though. I do it all the time, but it's only to cover my own inadequacies and I only really do it in Customs or when MM with friends. Even then, I try to apologise about it and I certainly don't mean it.
  12. DxHydra

    DxHydra Ancient
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    how my internet has to be top notch to play online like i play halo and my ping bar is in the yellow sometimes red
    but when i play BFBC everyone has good ping like no lag AT ALL 1 out of 100 games i lagged out and had to quit in BFBC but i just find a new match and im golden
    also in halo3 the sniper takes no skill NONE try BFBC it has bullet travel and gravity pulls the bullet down so it takes alot of skill to snipe....not like in halo
  13. Dthen

    Dthen Ancient
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    Even worse is getting spawn camped by your own team.
  14. TChun21

    TChun21 Ancient
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    I hate going against generals and people who take halo too seriously
  15. Zerosun

    Zerosun Ancient
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    BR inconsistency- I can 4-shot one guy, the next guy will take 10 and they wont die lol.

    That fourth guy- since bungie does not have a 3-player playlist, we always get that fourth guy that sucks, brings down the team, and we lose.

    ELITES - wtf they just cant die from behind and i cant seem to headshot them from the front ...

    this is recent but my melee seems to be not working. I seem to never lunge XD
  16. xFr1ct10nx

    xFr1ct10nx Ancient
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    I hate how u play/lose/tie so many games in a row that u cant lv up and if u lose 1 game u go down or close to going do a skill lv
  17. Gollygeeanelite

    Gollygeeanelite Ancient
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    The damn lag, it's in every FREAKING game! I swear, my router will have max bars and headshots won't register, equipment that is deployed won't show up on your screen for several seconds.
  18. Psycho

    Psycho Ancient
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    People who swear. I find it very annoying no matter how much or how little they do it.

    People who boost and people who "praise" boosters and say stuff like "Holy %*$ we have a General on our team! Dude! Can we party up with you?!"

    The complainers. These are the people who always complain about the other team not dying, my gun jammed, and other annoying things like that.

    The mobile armories. These are the people who call the sniper, rocket, and shotty in games. (not counting MLG and other team games where you have a plan of who goes for what). They say and do stuff like:
    "I call sniper!" and when you take the sniper... "WTF?!?! That was my sniper?! Idiot!" Then they quit because they can't control themselves.
    These types of people betray you when you take "their weapon" also. Stupid n00bs!
  19. InferiorPigeon

    InferiorPigeon Ancient
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    The only thing I really HATE about Halo, is when people don't have fun with the game, and take it WAY too seriously.

    The lag is frustrating, but I deal with it...
  20. Frag Man

    Frag Man Ancient
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    I really hate the complaints given. It's annoying because when something doesn't go the way they want it too, they don't blame themselves, they blame BUNGiE. It really gets on my nerves.

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