They're still making videos? I remember seeing a similar thread to this when they were on episode 15 (or there abouts). The series is horrible, the only thing its good for is as an example of why recording everything in a machinima over Xbox Live is a bad idea. Nearly 60 episodes of dodgy camera work; muffled, over-the-phone sounding audio; screwed up aspect ratios and "stolen"/"mis-credited" maps? But then, if you look at the comments on's YouTube channel, a lot of them imply their authors believe "Machinima" is one person and that they make all of the videos they post. Enough said.
Yeah, I have had several maps stolen from me in the past. I had a map called Europa. A person went as far as to change the name and the description. They then even posted the map on HaloTracks. They even wrote up a bugus summary. They even made a question and answer part. What part of the track took the longest? "The banked sections were a pain and took the most time". They totally made the whole post and summary up. Good thing all my maps are well known. People called him out right away and he looked like a fool. If you are going to steal a map, at least pick someone who is not well known, lol.. As far as getting mad, I wouldn't. That person most likely could never make the map on their own. They liked the map so much that they felt they had to copy it to get attention. I know it stinks man, but look at it this way, your map must be good for someone to go out of their way to copy it.
That blows man. I know how painful it is seeing your work on a major publication and not see any credit being sent your ways. My map, leviathan, was featured 2 episodes ago and they got my information correct. I'm guessing they found the wrong copy and didn't do enough research to find the real creators. Maybe message the people who posted the video and they can edit over the incorrect name and place the right file in their file share. In case anyone's wonder, Blockout, was stolen by some douchebag who posted a video for the MLG top 10 videos of the week and got the number 1 spot: MLG Top 10 User Videos of the Week #88 | Major League Gaming Oh well...
I used to like these guys' videos. Today I lost a lot of respect for them. They should browse these forums once and a while... It wouldn't kill them. I hope this issue gets set straight, Meta, and that it won't happen in the future to anyone.
wow bungie works quick haha it says file has violated code of conduct is stolen content. Of course it hasn't been removed just a view at your own risk thing is put up.
After it's had so many reports I think it automatically says view at your own risk. This ****in sucks though. Screw this not being mad stuff, raise as much hell on as many websites as you possibly can, and you have just about this entire forum backing you up meta. We're here for you.
Screw reporting the file. Report theit damned gamertags. They do this all the time. It' about time the forging community wasn't represented by a bunch of douchebag theives.
Agh, I hate to see a good map just get stolen like that, Is this all H3F does? Steal well known maps and "Accidentally Miscredit" them? And Insane, they told you they would get to the bottom of this and they didn't do a damn thing? Before I found ForgeHub, I actually believed that these maps were made by who H3F said they were, but now I just feel like kicking their asses.
How about I report your ass to the FBI if you DDOS them? DDOS'ing is for ***** bitches. TBH, your fault for not hiding an object on your map. All mini-games get claimed by little kids editting a warthog in an claiming it there own. Hide an object somewere on the map, then when you claim your map back, you show them up. Also you don't own a map so it cannot be stolen, when you agree to publishing a map your agreeing that Bungie own it. Simply message Machinima, if theres a second report their probally gonna discontinue their accounts.
See but the beauty of the internet is that no matter how much those people do deserve a swift ass kicking, their anonymity over the web allows them to get away with **** like this with little to no consequence. Actually the disclaimer when you go to save a map says that the creator is responsible for all things having to do with that map. Therefore the creator, whilst not being able to sell the map, should still be accredited with its creation.
This thread is now entering rant mode. But in all seriousness, we've got your back, Meta. Good luck with your efforts!
Reported it. Seriously, Halo 3 Forges, stop feeding off other people's work, get off your lazy ass and forge your own maps.
Guys, seriously, you're all taking this a little immaturely. I've already contacted Kenburn, and I'm waiting for his reply on the matter. However, you guys are acting a bit hostile here for no reason. The only thing you guys can do are to report the file(s) on them as stolen or leave comments in the youtube video saying that the map belongs to MetaWaddleDee.
I feel ya Meta, someone tried stealing Schism of Light after it was on bungie favorites. I got invited to a game by Dough boy Fresh, I confronted him, and he changed his story over and over. Then I cursed him out, and he left. Bungie may not have brought the ban hammer, but thats because they knew it was mine. Besides. I brought the banhammer!
Just so you guys know, I took this quote from Kenburn's youtube channel page: So what does that mean, you may ask? It's simple. We need to get people to recommend the original map and gametype file that Meta made over Live. And with that said, I've done my fair share of work.
-_- I know how you feel, some noob stole one of my maps and simply added two blue lights, and one of my creations was in the holiday special H3F and luckily they got the author right (me)
Lmao. You guys really pwnt that file's comments. And it's now a "View at your own risk" file for violating the code of conduct. Nice.