The original Halo 3 Forges episode 57 video showed my map Tetris created by Falco Maton and had his fileshare link but recently the fileshare link has been changed to mine.
From my experience they've always "accidentally misplaced" the creators and subtly given themselves credit. After they cleverly removed the creator's names in Duel of the Fates, I talked to one of the people who run Machinima, who said they were going to get to the bottom of it and possibly remove their partnership with them...of course, nothing came of it.
This kind of thing angers me beyond my breaking point. I remember Felipe Dos's map that was stolen. :: View topic - Steals Halo Map Credit Some feedback forum... I tagged the file as stolen.
I suggest you give me their IP addresses and I will make the videos stop forever. At least from those IPs.
He has two files of Tetris, one that is in his Fileshare, and one that is in Game over's link to Tetris.
We may be displeased with map thievery, but we aren't going to sling dirt back at them. Report the file as stolen, message the creators, and tell your friends, but keep it civil.
On the video, you click the Flag button. I doubt you're going to get anywhere out of this though, because it's not copyright or anything, even though it's map theft, I doubt Youtube will really care, but it's still worth a shot. The more you can do to stop this, the better. Also, staff please move this thread to Halo Discussion or Halo Forge Discussion.
When I first saw this last night, I had already messaged Kenburn on his youtube channel about this. I'll get back to you when he replies.
I reported it, but I don't know a whole lot more that I can do. Good luck and I hope you get right ownership for it.