So I was watching the first season of The Walking Dead, and I really liked how they didn't use any well known celebrities, cause it seems that that would have ruined the Characters because you'd relate it to the other characters they have played. Then thats when I thought of the question: What Celebrity would survive the Zombie Apocalypse? So, Who do you think? Provide an answer and some reasoning behind it to prove that they are skilled enough to survive!
inb4 everyone says Simon Pegg and Nick Frost. Any celebrity that owns their own island would survive.
Lets say just based on their mindset/physical features/ect Not their bunkers and **** like that. They can't get to their islands and are on mainland because they too dumb to fly a plane. So who now?
Family Guy - HOW'M I DOIN' TODAY GARY BUSEY? (notHD) - YouTube On another note, Liam Neeson would survive, because he's Liam Neeson. No further explanation is required.
What Would Brian Boitano Do? - South Park: Bigger Longer & Uncut (7/9) Movie CLIP (1999) HD - YouTube
I can't believe nobody has said Bear Grylls! Then again... Born Survivor - Bee Sting - YouTube He'd probably Sneak into a ****-load of zombies to try and get some of the stuff of the person they are trying to eat and get bitten. :L
Nathan Fillion. He'll throw books at ****. He'll read a book about rocket science and build a nuke to blow up the entire tri-state area. My second choice would be Mel Gibson. He'd swear at everyone till they die. EDIT: WAIT, NO ****. TERRY ****IN CREWS.
How overrated is Chuck Norris? When will people let that lame ass joke die, already? It's not funny and it's not clever.