What caused you to start forging in the first place? A month or two after the Legendary maps came out, I started to get bored of the maps already in the disc. With no new content being recently announced, and none already out, I decided to take forge out for a spin. Eventually, I got the hang of it, learned a few tricks, and finally got advanced to the point I'm at today. Whats your story?
well in the old days when me and my friends used to play halo 2 on xbl we had always dreamed of making our own maps so when halo 3 came out my friends called me and told me that they bought it and that you can make your own place so i rushed over and my first favorite map was high ground becuase of the tunnel you can hide in during infection and map high ground infection maps all night long and thats how i started forging
A long time ago I got Age of Mythology, and went into extra and saw it's map editor. I loved the concept. When I heard Halo 3 was going to have a map editor I knew I had to get it. I just love nearly anything with a map editor. That's half the reason I got Far Cry 2.
Well, I used to do screenshots and nothing more, but began using forge to create aesthetic structures for pictures. One day Debo37 joined a game in which I was making a dragon on Foundry, and he's like "Zomg, make it playable". And thus, The Ire of Fire was born. I've loved forging since.