What can be done to remove frame rate in forge maps. I am currently making a V2 for one of my maps that had bad frame rate issues in a certain area. So what can be done to try to avoid it/ fix it?
Try and replace two or more objects with 1, if possible. Other than that just try to reduce the amount of objects you are using overall.
And don't forget about fixing texture flickering and some of the more "demanding" items, such as lights.
Yes, try and remove any lights or FX on your map. Glass also can help cause framerate lag, so you may need to substitute out some of those structures for others. Any and all z-fighting needs to be fixed immediately because it looks bad, its distracting, and it causes FR lag. Any place that uses a bunch of objects you could try and simplify, or simply cut down Lines of Sight so that at any given moment you see a very small number of objects at once. Would you mind posting pictures? That way we could be more direct and help you find exactly what to fix