Hey Everyone at Forge Hub, I am just curios on what Armour you gamers wear on halo 3. Just a curiosity, and its interesting to know what other people wear as their armour. Please post your armour from head-body and then your colors. My Armour and Colors: Head-Mark VI:markvi: Shoulder(right)-security Shoulder(left)-Hayabusa Body-Katana FTW! colors: all steel. thanks, TenaciousELITE
Mark 5 head Katana I dont know what the shoulders are called but i know you get them by beating some levels on legendary..i think.. I think there has been threads like this in the past..
um...ok...i got this one... *runs to xbox* .... ... .. . . .. ... .... ok im back! Head - ODST body - mark VI Shoulder(right) - mark VI Shoulder(left) - mark VI Body - mark VI Colors: Primary - Steel Secondary - Red Detail - Steel no emblem...
Head: Mark VI Shoulder (Right): Scout Shoulder (Left): Scout Body: Scout Primary: Steel Secondary: Purple Detail: Purple
Head: Mark V Shoulders: EVA Body: CQB (I got bored of katana :S) Primary:Green Second:Black Detail:Red Emblem EDIT: eguitar, I think you have security shoulders, not 100% sure though.
I wear.... *Search button* Theres a few threads like this already, just ask a staff member to bring it back alive.
Head- Mark V Left/Right shoulders- Scout Body- Katana Colors Primary- steel Secondary- Gold Detail- Gold
Head - ODST Left Shoulder - Scout Right Shoulder - Hayabusa Body - Katana Colors Primary - Steel Secondary - Blue Detail - Blue \ Emblem (XF FTW!)
Head - ODST Body - Mark VI Left Shoulder - Mark VI Right Shoulder - EOD A mix of old and new Emblem Green background, white secondary (diamond), green primary (diamond) same as my halo 2
I try to keep my armour as original as possible: Head I know what you're gonna say: "Everyone wears the Hayabusa helmet". Well that's no longer true. No-one in this thread so far has it on. Shoulders I don't like identical shoulders because you always run into someone wearing the same shoulders as you that way. But to keep them from clashing I used small shoulder pieces. Chest If I had recon I'd wear that chest, because all the default ones look **** IMO. This one that I wear looks like the regular chest with a video cassette glued to it. And the rest suck too: EOD looks like ****; CQB is one that I sometimes wear but if you look down while wearing it the knife stabs you in the eye; Mark VI is a perfectionist armour for the lazy guy (and I already wear a Mark VI piece); everyone wears the katana and those that wear normal hayabusa are ripped as the only reason you'd wear that piece is because you don't have the katana; and scout looks like MARK VI with a baby carrier on the front. So I think my mismatched armour is original but I try my best to keep it from clashing. No-one wears the same armour combination as me in the world (according to HaloCharts)
Head - mark 5 body -hayabusa Shoulder(right) -hayabusa Shoulder(left) -scout Body -hayabusa Colors: Primary -green Secondary -yellow/gold Detail -white (Green Bay Packers Colors!!!! lol)
Check my sig and avy. My Mark V is stylin' on you And I'm the only person on HaloCharts with this armor. I used to be the only one with my emblem, but someone else has recently used the same one.
Head: Hayabusa Helmet Shoulder Right: Security Shoulder Left: Security Body: Scout Colors: Everything Brown
...Goes To Bungie... Head: Rogue Shoulders: Both Scout Body: Katana :happy: Colors: All white Emblem: