Name: One Shot Kill. Description: One Shot Kill Primary Weapon: Barret 50 cal -|Attachment(s): ACOG, FMJ Secondary Weapon: G18 -|Attachment(s): Akimbo, FMJ Equipment: Claymore Special Grenade: Smoke Grenade Perk 1: Bling Pro Perk 2: Stopping Power Pro Perk 3: Ninja Pro Deathstreak: Martyrdom Used with killstreaks: UAV (3), Predator Missile (5), and Harrier Strike (7) _______________________________________ Name: Run Forest Run! Description: For the man on the run. Primary Weapon: Riot Shield -|Attachment(s): n/a Secondary Weapon: G18 -|Attachment(s): Red Dot Sight Equipment: Knife Special Grenade: Smoke Grenade Perk 1: Marathon Pro Perk 2: Lightweight Pro Perk 3: Commando Pro Deathstreak: Martyrdom Used with killstreaks: UAV (3), Predator Missile (5), and Harrier Strike (7) The first class is a sniper that always one shot kills. I found out you have to have FMJ and Stopping Power on for the barret, or it won't one shot kill eveytime. The ACOG is so that it doesn't take so long to bring up your scope. Therefore actually giving you a change against people holding scars and other assault rifles. I hate camping but love sniping so that's how this class developed. You might also consider switching out the Bling Pro for Sleight of hand Pro because this raises the scope of the gun faster. If you switch to sleight of hand you still need FMJ though so you will need to use a normal scope. The idea for my second glass is that if you just switch to your secondary, it's difficult for people to shoot you in the back. Plus G18 is amazing at a short range, combined with super speed, this is great if you want to win a FFA match.
My favourite: Name: Assault Class Description: Assault class, basic run and gun Primary Weapon: TAR-21 -|Attachment(s): Red Dot Sight/Hologram Sight Secondary Weapon: G18 -|Attachment(s): NONE Equipment: Frag Special Grenade: Smoke Grenade/Stun Grenade Perk 1: Marathon Man Pro Perk 2: Stopping Power Perk 3: Steady Aim Deathstreak: Copycat Used with killstreaks: UAV (3 kills), Predator Missile (5 kills), Harrier Strike (7 kills)
Name: FAMAS Description: Awesomesauce Primary Weapon: FAMAS -|Attachment(s): ACOG Secondary Weapon: Stinger -|Attachment(s): NONE Equipment: Frag Special Grenade: Flashbang Perk 1: Sleight of hand Pro Perk 2: Cold Blooded Pro Perk 3: Ninja Pro Deathstreak: Final Stand Used with killstreaks: UAV (3 kills), Predator Missile (5 kills), Stealth Bomber (9 kills)
Name: "YO MUTHA WUZ A HOE" Description: All Purpose Assault Class Primary Weapon: M4A1 -|Attachment(s): Red Dot Sight, FMJ Secondary Weapon: PP2000 -|Attachment(s): N/A Equipment: Semtex Special Grenade: Flash Grenades x2 Perk 1: Bling (Pro) Perk 2: Hardline (Pro) Perk 3: Commando (Pro) Deathstreak: Painkiller (3 Deaths) Used with killstreaks: Care package (4 Kills), Attack Helicopter (7 Kills) and Emergency Airdrop (8 Kills) All I have to say... My Class name won.
Name: Hardcore Description: One shot in hardcore and two shots in normal. Primary Weapon: FAL (Fall Camo) -|Attachment(s): FMJ, Heartbeat Sensor Secondary Weapon: M9 -|Attachment(s): Extended Mags, Akimbo Equipment: Semtex Special Grenade: Stun x2 Perk 1: Bling (Pro) Perk 2: Stopping Power (Pro) Perk 3: Commando (Pro) Deathstreak: Final Stand (4 Deaths in a row without a kill) Used with killstreaks: UAV (2 kills), Precision Airstrike(6 kills), Harrier Strike(7 Kills)
My knifing class! Name: CQB Primary: P90 (I don't use it ever) - |Attachment Silencer Secondary: G18 (only use occaisionally) Equipment: Blast shield Special: Stun X2 Perk 1: Marathon (Pro) Perk 2: Lightweight (Pro) Perk 3: Commando (Pro) Deathstreak: Painkiller Killstreaks: UAV (3 Kills), Counter UAV (4 kills), Chopper Gunner (11 kills) Okay, I can run super fast, forever, and I take no fall damage. I can lunge like a car and a half in terms of distance. If I am not physically lunging, I am sprinting around the outside of the map to sneak up behind the enemy. I literally get 100 kills every 4-5 matches without firing a bullet.
Your class would improve ten fold if you took the time to get 75 kills with a handgun in order to get the tactical knife. I use all the same perks as you and I can definitely say that the knifing class is nothing without the tactical knife.
Support FAL - ACOG & FMJ Frag Grenade Stun Grenade PP2000 - Akimbo & FMJ Perk 1 - Bling Pro Perk 2 - Stopping Power Pro Perk 3 - Steady Aim Pro Assault Scar-H - Holographic Site Semtex Grenade Flash Grenade AT4-HS Perk 1 - Scavenger Pro Perk 2 - Stopping Power Pro Perk 3 - Steady Aim Pro Tactical FAMAS - Red Dot Sight Semtex Grenade Stun Grenade AA-12 - Red Dot Sight Perk 1 - Slight of Hand Pro Perk 2 - Stopping Power Pro Perk 3 - Steady Aim Pro Sniping Intervention - Thermal & Hear Beat Sensor Claymore Smoke Grenade PP2000 - Silencer & Red Dot Sight Perk 1 - Bling Pro Perk 2 - Stopping Power Pro Perk 3 - Ninja Pro Stealth P90 - Red Dot Sight & Silencer Semtex Grenade Stun Grenade USP .45 - Silencer & Tactical Knife Perk 1 - Bling Pro Perk 2 - Cold Blooded Perk 3 - Ninja Pro
Marathon Pro: Get over obstacles faster and climb them faster Commando Pro: No falling damage Lightweight Pro: Quick aim after sprinting
Name: BUG Primary Weapon: AUG HBAR -|Attachment(s): Grip Secondary Weapon: Stinger -|Attachment(s): N/A Equipment: Claymore Special Grenade: Flashbang x2 Perk 1: Sleight of Hand Pro Perk 2: Stopping Power Pro Perk 3: Steady Aim Pro Killstreaks: Predator Missile [5], Precision Airstrike [6], Emergency Airdrop [8] Deathstreak: Final Stand Description: The AUG has the smallest clip size for an LMG, but the fastest reload. Sleight of Hand Pro cuts your reload speed down to a second, and lets you aim down sights like an assault rifle. Combined with Steady Aim and you can use the AUG in close quarters without problems aside from your running speed being reduced. It's still an LMG though, and has superior range to an assault rifle. With Stopping Power a single burst fire across the map consistently scores a kill. The iron sights are exceptional so the Grip can be used instead (and it's worth it). Alternatively, when I want to play a pseudo-sniper class, I will drop Sleight of Hand for Bling and add a Thermal Scope - which also means I can hold my breath for longer using Steady Aim Pro. The Stinger stops enemy killstreaks almost as soon as they begin. Overall, the AUG with this setup is ridiculously versatile and it lets me change tactics on the fly. I love it.
Name: TheSexBomb Primary: Mini-UZI with rapid fire Secondary: Akimbo Rangers Perk 1: Marathon Pro Perk 2: Lightweight Pro Perk 3: Commando Pro Equiptment: Flashbang & Claymore Killstreaks: Harrier, Chopper Gunner, TacNuke Description: This is simply the best, and IMO, the most fun class to play. It originally set up to be a knifing class (and it really still is), but it eventually morphed into an all-out close range juggernaut. You can pretty much out run claymores, you never have to do those annoying sprint-walk bursts, and the extra speed let's you sneak up and charge and annialate anyone in your way. I really only use the UZI if there's something out of reach of my knife or rangers. As long as you do t play this class on Derail, Afghan, or Wastelands, you'll have a nice load of fun. You'd think you'd go negative, but if you just keep sprinting you nearly outsmart the UAVs and your blade becomes your best friend. I dare you to try this on Favela and tell me you don't like it. Go make a new class
I just did my knifing class on wasteland, went 12-0, died, then got 15 more with the copper gun. I didnt fire a gun the whole game, went 43-6. Oh and earlier i was playing S and D with the knife, on estate, ended up 18-0. The I got a chopper gunner in the second to last round, so on the last one i killed their whole team with it. Twas fun.