What are YOUR favourite Modern Warfare II classes (and killstreaks)?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Dreaddraco2, Nov 15, 2009.

  1. Dreaddraco2

    Dreaddraco2 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    What is your favourite custom classes from Modern Warfare 2?
    Post yours or suggest improvements for somebody else's.
    -(First!) thread about this. (Beating another by 1 day)

    Name: None, "Custom 1"
    Description: High powered, two shot kill with FAL, easy anti-aircraft support with the Stinger. Scavenger prevents running out of ammo.
    Primary Weapon: FAL
    -|Attachment(s): Red Dot Sight
    Secondary Weapon: Stinger
    -|Attachment(s): N/A
    Equipment: Claymore
    Special Grenade: Flash Grenades x2
    Perk 1: Scavenger (Pro)
    Perk 2: Stopping Power (Pro)
    Perk 3: Scrambler (Pro)
    Deathstreak: Martyrdom (4 Deaths in a row without a kill)
    Used with killstreaks: Predator Missile (5 Kills), Harrier Strike (7 Kills) and Stealth Bomber (9 Kills)

    My favourite:

    Name: None, "Custom 5"
    Description: Medium to long range, kills quickly, good anti-aircraft support
    Primary Weapon: Tar-21
    -|Attachment(s): ACOG Scope, FMJ
    Secondary Weapon: Stinger
    -|Attachment(s): N/A
    Equipment: Claymore
    Special Grenade: Smoke Grenade x1
    Perk 1: Scavenger (Pro)
    Perk 2: Stopping Power (Pro)
    Perk 3: Scrambler (Pro)
    Deathstreak: Martyrdom (4 Deaths in a row without a kill)
    Used with killstreaks: Predator Missile (5 kills), Harrier Strike (7 kills) and Stealth Bomber (9 kills)

    #1 Dreaddraco2, Nov 15, 2009
    Last edited: Nov 22, 2009
  2. ABigDumbOgre

    ABigDumbOgre Ancient
    Senior Member

    Likes Received:
    Name: Custom 1
    Description: Medium to close range, use it to sneak around opponents and bring in killstreak rewards
    Primary Weapon: M4
    -|Attachment(s): Heartbeat Sensor
    - Camo: Blue Tiger
    Secondary Weapon: G18
    -|Attachment(s): Akimbo
    Equipment: Tactical Insertion
    Special Grenade: Stun Grenade X2
    Perk 1: Scavenger (Pro)
    Perk 2: Hardline (Pro)
    Perk 3: Commando (Pro)
    Deathstreak: Final Stand
    Used with killstreaks: UAV (3 Kills) Care Package (4 Kills) Emergency Drop (8 Kills)

    Sometimes switch UAV for AC130 or Chopper Gunner. Also sometimes use Bling (Pro) and attach silencer to both.

    Name: Custom 5
    Description: Close range class, used for crowd control really
    Primary Weapon: Riot Shield
    -|Attachment(s): N/A
    Secondary Weapon: G18
    -|Attachment(s): Akimbo
    Equipment: Tactical Insertion
    Special Grenade: Stun Grenade X2
    Perk 1: Marathon (Pro)
    Perk 2: Lightweight
    Perk 3: Commando (Pro)
    Deathstreak: Final Stand
    Used with killstreak: Same as above class.

    Pretty self explanatory class. Whenever I use it, my assists usually double my kills and deaths combined because of good teamwork.
  3. spartin2000

    spartin2000 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Name- custom 1
    Description- short to long range sneaking around getting behind enemy lines, killstreaks, stealth takedowns and for just killing enemies.
    weapon- Famas, Tar, or M4
    attachments- (F)acog and heartbeat (T)holo sight, heartbeat. (M)holo,heartbeat
    Hardcore attachments- (F) silencer, heartbeat (T) silencer, heartbeat (M) silencer and heartbeat.
    special grenade-stun
    Side arm- glock 18 akimbo. or striker
    perks- (1) Bling pro (2) stopping power pro (3) I think its scrambler pro or steady aim pro.
    Killstreaks- Care pack, chopper gunner, nuke
    death streak- pain killer
    Name- Sniper
    Description- Medium to long range, picking off enemies and and going stealth
    weapon- intervention, WA2000, Barret.
    attachments- (I) thermal,heartbeat (W) heartbeat,any sight (B) thermal,heartbeat
    hardcore attachments- (I) silencer and heartbeat (W) silencer and heartbeat (B) silencer and heartbeat.
    equipment- tactical insertion
    special grenade- stun
    side arm- akimbo .44 magnum (I call it Pecos bill) or striker
    perks- (1) bling pro (2) stopping power pro. (3) scrambler pro
    deathstreak- painkiller
    #3 spartin2000, Nov 15, 2009
    Last edited: Nov 15, 2009
  4. Willmatic

    Willmatic Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Name: AR like rambo
    Description: 1 man army
    Primary Weapon: Tar 21
    -|Attachment(s): Heart beat sensor
    Secondary Weapon: AA - 12
    -|Attachment(s): Grip
    Equipment: C4
    Special Grenade: Flash Grenades x2
    Perk 1: Scavenger (Pro)
    Perk 2: Stopping Power (Pro)
    Perk 3: Steady Aim (Pro)
    Deathstreak: Final Stand (4 Deaths in a row without a kill)
    Used with killstreaks: UAV (3) Predator Missile (5 Kills), Emergency Air drop (8 Kills)
  5. Meltyourtv

    Meltyourtv Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Name: "USAINE BOLT"
    Description: LMAO. You run fast, run far, and run forever. Also, UMP starting.
    Primary Weapon: UMP
    -|Attachment(s): NONE
    Secondary Weapon: I think MP5 Pistol
    -|Attachment(s): NONE
    Equipment: ???
    Special Grenade: Flash Grenades x2
    Perk 1: Marathon
    Perk 2: Lightweight (I think this is what it's called. It makes you run faster)
    Perk 3: Commando
    Deathstreak: Painkiller
    Used with killstreaks: ???
  6. cyberwaste6996

    cyberwaste6996 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Name: In Winter
    Description: Long Range, kills quickly
    Primary Weapon: Barrett 50 Cal
    -|Attachment(s): Thermal Scope
    Secondary Weapon: Shotgun (Not sure of the name)
    -|Attachment(s): N/A
    Equipment: Frag
    Special Grenade: Flash x2
    Perk 1: Marathon
    Perk 2: Stopping Power (Pro)
    Perk 3: Commando (Pro)
    Deathstreak: Painkiller (3 Deaths in a row without a kill)
    Used with killstreaks: Care Package (4 kills), Predator Missile (5 kills) and AC-130 (11 kills)

    Name: Black Hawk
    Description: Medium to long range, kills quickly
    Primary Weapon: M4A1
    -|Attachment(s): Holographic Sight, Heartbeat Sensor
    Secondary Weapon: Shotgun (Not sure of the name)
    -|Attachment(s): N/A
    Equipment: Frag
    Special Grenade: Flash x2
    Perk 1: Bling
    Perk 2: Hardline
    Perk 3: Commando (Pro)
    Deathstreak: Painkiller (3 Deaths in a row without a kill)
    Used with killstreaks: Car Package (3 kills), Predator Missile (4 kills) and AC-130 (10 kills)
  7. Hari

    Hari Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Name: SCAR
    Description: Automatic Shotgun for close encounters and well upgraded SCAR for just about everything else.
    Primary Weapon: SCAR
    -|Attachment(s): ACOG sight, FMJ
    Secondary Weapon: AA-12
    -|Attachment(s): N/A
    Equipment: Tactical Insertion
    Special Grenade: Smoke Grenade
    Perk 1: Marathon
    Perk 2: Stopping Power (Pro)
    Perk 3: Steady Aim (Pro)
    Deathstreak: Painkiller (4 Deaths in a row without a kill)
    Used with killstreaks: UAV (3 Kills), Predator Missile (5 Kills), Harrier Strike (7 Kills)
  8. XxSpix

    XxSpix Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Best Class
    Name: lulwat
    Description: Good for anything
    Primary Weapon: FAL
    -|Attachment(s): Thermal Scope and Undermount shotty
    Secondary Weapon: PP2000
    -|Attachment(s): Red dot Sight
    Equipment: Tactical Insertion
    Special Grenade: Flash Grenades x2
    Perk 1: Bling
    Perk 2: Lightweight
    Perk 3: Commando
    Deathstreak: The one that makes you harder to kill. Can't remember...
    Used with killstreaks: UAV (3 Kills), Care Package (4 Kills) and Predator Missile (5 Kills)

    FAL pwns at long range, shotty at close and PP2000 at mid. Flash and Insertion are BEAST
  9. SRC48

    SRC48 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Name: no name yet :(
    Description: anything I suppose
    Primary Weapon: SCAR
    -|Attachment(s): Grenade launcher
    Secondary Weapon: PP2000
    -|Attachment(s): Red dot Sight or silencer
    Equipment: Tactical Insertion
    Special Grenade: smoke
    Perk 1: scavenger
    Perk 2: hardline
    Perk 3: steady aim
    Deathstreak: copycat
    Used with killstreaks: Care Package (4 Kills), Predator Missile (5 Kills), and Chopper Gunner(11 kills)
  10. sourdauer

    sourdauer Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Fav class: K-Mart Security
    Description: use the riot shield to get close, then hit 'em with the throwing knife :D
    Primary: riot shield
    -Attatchmjent: none (lul)
    Secondary: Auto shotty (dont know the real name)
    -Attatchment: none
    Equipement: Throwing Knife
    Special grenade: Flash bang x2
    Perk 1: Marathon
    Perk 2: Lightweight
    Perk 3: Commando
    Deathsteak: painkiller
  11. Souperintendent

    Souperintendent Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Name: M16A4, "Custom 1"
    Description: Great at killing anything.
    Primary Weapon: M16A4
    -|Attachment(s): Red Dot Sight
    Secondary Weapon: Ranger
    -|Attachment(s): N/A
    Equipment: Semtex Grenades
    Special Grenade: Flash Grenades x2
    Perk 1: Scavenger (Pro)
    Perk 2: Stopping Power (Pro)
    Perk 3: Steady Aim (Pro)
    Deathstreak: Final Stand (4 Deaths in a row without a kill)
    Used with killstreaks: Care Package (4 Kills), Predator Missile (5 Kills) Attack Helicopter (7 Kills)
  12. MetaWaddleDee

    MetaWaddleDee Ancient
    Senior Member

    Likes Received:
    Name: Be Awesome
    Description: Flanking class, very good for being a ninja
    Primary Weapon: Riot shield
    Secondary Weapon: USP
    -|Attachment(s): silencer
    Equipment: Throwing Knife
    Special Grenade: smoke grenade
    Perk 1: Cold Blood
    Perk 2: Ninja
    Perk 3: Commando Pro
    Deathstreak: Martyrdom
    Used with killstreaks: UAV, Care package, that one perk where 4 care packages

    I really love this class because I can watch my opponents squirm through my sheild, and if they run I shoot 'em down with my USP.
  13. Insane54

    Insane54 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Name: M16tacular
    Description: Stealthy class with M16. Nice loud duel shotguns for those up and close moments.
    Primary Weapon: M16A4
    -|Attachment(s): Red dot, Silencer
    Secondary Weapon: Ranger
    -|Attachment(s): Akimbo, FMJ (;D)
    Equipment: Throwing Knife
    Special Grenade: Flash Grenades x2
    Perk 1: Slight of Hand (Pro)
    Perk 2: Cold Blooded (Pro)
    Perk 3: Ninja (Pro)
    Deathstreak: Final Stand (4 Deaths in a row without a kill)
    Used with killstreaks: Care Package (4 Kills), Harrier Strike (7 Kills) and AC130 (11 Kills)

    BASED GOD Ancient

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    Description: Bro knife and a shield is all you need
    Primary Weapon: Shield
    Secondary Weapon: SPAS
    Equipment: Throwing Knife
    Special Grenade: Flash Grenades x2
    Perk 1: Slight of Hand (Pro)
    Perk 2: Hardline
    Perk 3: Commando
    Deathstreak: Copycat
    Used with killstreaks: Care drop, Sentry gun, AC130

    But I only use the knife for real
  15. Matty

    Matty Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Name: None, "Shnipar!"
    Description: Mostly undetectable, high-powered and thermal vision.
    Primary Weapon: Intervention Urban Camo
    -|Attachment(s): Acog/Thermal Sight and FMJ/Hearbeat Sensor
    Secondary Weapon: Usp
    -|Attachment(s): FMJ and Silencer
    Equipment: Frag
    Special Grenade: Flash Grenades x2
    Perk 1: Bling (Pro)
    Perk 2: Cold-Blooded (Pro)
    Perk 3: Scrambler (Pro)
    Deathstreak: Martyrdom (4 Deaths in a row without a kill)
    Used with killstreaks: Predator Missile (5 Kills), Helecopter Support (7 Kills) and Care Package (8 Kills)
  16. Agamer

    Agamer Ancient
    Senior Member

    Likes Received:
    Name: Famas
    Description: Run around and **** people up
    Primary Weapon: Famas
    -|Attachment(s): Acog Scope & Heartbeat Sensor
    Secondary Weapon: G18
    -|Attachment(s): Red Dot Sight
    Equipment: Frag Grenade
    Special Grenade: Stun Grenade
    Perk 1: Bling Pro or Marathon Pro without the Heartbeat Sensor
    Perk 2: Stopping Power Pro
    Perk 3: Steady Aim Pro
    Deathstreak: Martyrdom
    Used with killstreaks: UAV (3), Predator Missile (5), and Harrier Strike (7)

    Description: Run around and shank people
    Primary Weapon: P90
    -|Attachment(s): Holographic Sight
    Secondary Weapon: G18
    -|Attachment(s): Red Dot Sight
    Equipment: Frag Grenade
    Special Grenade:
    Stun Grenade
    Perk 1: Marathon Pro
    Perk 2:
    Lightweight Pro
    Perk 3:
    Commando Pro
    Used with killstreaks: UAV (3), Predator Missile (5), and Chopper Gunner or Attack Helicopter
    #16 Agamer, Nov 16, 2009
    Last edited: Nov 22, 2009
  17. Duckman620

    Duckman620 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Name: KRISS SUPER-v

    ATTACHCHMENTS: Holographic, and Silencer

    ATTACHMENTS: Red Dot Sight

    EQUIPMENT: Throwing Knife

    PERK 1: Bling
    PERK 2: Stopping Power (PRO)
    PERK 3: Steady Aim

    KILLSTREAK: Harrier(7), Chopper Gunner(11), Nuke(25)
  18. Dreaddraco2

    Dreaddraco2 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Name: "Custom 1"
    Description: One-Hit-Ko in Hardcore Team Deathmatch, can fire from across the map. Oh, and the One-Hit-Ko weapon is an LMG with a high fire rate. >:D
    Primary: RPD
    -|Attachment(s): Grip, Red Dot Sight (soon to be Silencer and ACOG Sight)
    Secondary: Ranger
    -|Attachment(s): Akimbo
    Equipment: Tactical Insertion
    Special Grenade: Smoke Grenade x1
    Perk 1: Scavenger (Pro)
    Perk 2: Stopping Power (Pro)
    Perk 3: Steady Aim (Pro)
    Deathstreak: Final Stand

    Used with Killstreaks:
    -|4 Kills: Care Package
    -|7 Kills: Harrier Strike
    -|9 Kills: Stealth Bomber
  19. AceOfSpades

    AceOfSpades Talented
    Forge Critic Senior Member

    Likes Received:
    Name: Custom Class 1
    Description: Run and Gun
    Primary Weapon: UMP45
    -|Attachment(s): Holographic Sight
    Secondary Weapon: SPAS-12
    -|Attachment(s): Red Dot Sight
    Equipment: Frag Grenade
    Special Grenade: Flash Bang
    Perk 1: Sleight of Hand Pro
    Perk 2: Stopping Power Pro
    Perk 3: Commando Pro
    Deathstreak: Painkiller
    Used with killstreaks: UAV (3), Predator Missile (5), and Harrier Strike (7)

    Custom Class 2
    Description: Snipes, snipes and more snipes
    Primary Weapon: Intervention
    -|Attachment(s): n/a
    Secondary Weapon: SPAS-12
    -|Attachment(s): Red Dot Sight
    Equipment: Frag Grenade
    Special Grenade:
    Flash Bang
    Perk 1: Sleight of Hand Pro
    Perk 2:
    Stopping Power Pro
    Perk 3: Commando Pro
    Used with killstreaks: UAV (3), Predator Missile (5), and Harrier Strike (7)
  20. Bomb Champion

    Bomb Champion Ancient
    Senior Member

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    All my classes in spoilers, to conserve space.
    Name: a
    Description: Assault
    Primary Weapon: TAR21
    -|Attachment(s): Red dot
    Secondary Weapon: Thumper
    -|Attachment(s): N/A
    Equipment: Semtex
    Special Grenade:
    Perk 1: Scavenger (Pro)
    Perk 2: Hardline (Pro)
    Perk 3: Steady Aim (Pro)
    Deathstreak: Painkiller
    Used with killstreaks: Care Package (4 kills), Harrier Strike (7 kills), Chopper Gunner (11 kills)
    Name: b
    Description: Infiltration
    Primary Weapon: Vector
    -|Attachment(s): Red dot
    Secondary Weapon: AA-12
    -|Attachment(s): Red dot
    Equipment: Semtex
    Special Grenade: Stun x2
    Perk 1: Scavenger (Pro)
    Perk 2: Hardline (Pro)
    Perk 3: Commando (Pro)
    Deathstreak: Painkiller
    Used with killstreaks: Care Package (4 kills), Harrier Strike (7 kills), Chopper Gunner (11 kills)
    Name: c
    Description: Heavy
    Primary Weapon: MG4
    -|Attachment(s): Grip
    Secondary Weapon: AT4 (I don't have stinger yet)
    -|Attachment(s): N/A
    Equipment: Semtex
    Special Grenade: Stun x2
    Perk 1: Scavenger (Pro)
    Perk 2: Hardline (Pro)
    Perk 3: Steady Aim (Pro)
    Deathstreak: Painkiller
    Used with killstreaks: Care Package (4 kills), Harrier Strike (7 kills), Chopper Gunner (11 kills)
    Name: d
    Description: Sniping
    Primary Weapon: Intervention
    -|Attachment(s): Thermal
    Secondary Weapon: G18
    -|Attachment(s): FMJ
    Equipment: Throwing knife
    Special Grenade: Smoke
    Perk 1: Scavenger (Pro)
    Perk 2: Hardline (Pro)
    Perk 3: Commando (Pro)
    Deathstreak: Painkiller
    Used with killstreaks: Care Package (4 kills), Harrier Strike (7 kills), Chopper Gunner (11 kills)
    Name: The Gingerbread Man
    Description: Run, run, as fast as you can, you can't catch me; I'm the Gingerbread Man!
    Primary Weapon: MP5k
    -|Attachment(s): none
    Secondary Weapon: 44 Mag
    -|Attachment(s): tactical knife
    Equipment: throwing knife
    Special Grenade: smoke
    Perk 1: Marathon (Pro)
    Perk 2: Lightweight (Pro)
    Perk 3: Commando (Pro)
    Deathstreak: Painkiller
    Used with killstreaks: Care Package (4 kills), Harrier Strike (7 kills), Chopper Gunner (11 kills)

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