Brought up already or not, movies have been one of my great interests recently, so I have come to ask the Forge Hub community: What are your favorite movies? Mine (in no order): The Hangover The Dark Knight The Hurt Locker The Shawshank Redemption The Longest Yard The Rock Ocean's Eleven Ocean's Twelve Ocean's Thirteen Saving Private Ryan Black Hawk Down 300 Transformers Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen (To be updated if I remember more) Feel free to discuss your favorite movies among others, but do not make unnecessary or negative comments and please refrain from spamming.
There Will Be Blood Amercan Gangster Black Hawk Down Blow Lock, Stock, And Two Smoking Barrels Tropic Thunder
The Lion King Dances With Wolves Mulan The Hangover LOTR: Return of the King The Hurtlocker LOTR: The Two Towers 300 Zombieland (and finally) Elmo In GrouchLand :O i forgot; Troy StarWars Gladiator thanks glasgow, I almost had a crisis.
None of this is in any particular order Movies I love Casino Royale The Bourne Series Avatar Inglorious Bastards Hot Fuzz District 9 Movies I like Zombieland Quantum of Solace The Hangover The Prestige
In no order... movies I generally love... Watchmen Jaws Star Wars (the complete saga) All LOTR Jurassic Park Indiana Jones: RotLA Batman Begins Dark Knight Hangover Wedding Crashers District 9 Signs Close Encounters of the Third Kind King Kong (2005) Avatar Monty Python and the Holy Grail The Mummy Spaceballs **** thats a lot for now...
I'd say that these are some of my favorites. No particular order. Dr. No Star Trek (the new one) Dark Knight Alien The Star Wars ORIGINAL Trilogy. Quantum of Solace (well, it was good. Not exceptional, but good) Spirited Away Howl's Moving Castle (I suppose these two are not actually movies, like theater ones, but I love them nonetheless.) The Karate Kid Wall-E Will add more if I think of them. Going to eat dinner now.
Some seriously good films have been forgotten/omitted. The Godfather (I&II) ScarFace The Goodfellas Apocalypse now Platoon Full Metal Jacket Gangster Number 1 Pulp Fiction 12 Angry Men One Flew Over the Cuckoo's nest Deerhunter Reservoir Dogs Raging Bull & The Jungle Book The list could go on for ages..
Step Brothers Tenacious D and the Pick of Destiny The Longest Yard The Goods: Live Hard, Sell Hard Starsky and Hutch(newer one with owen wilson & ben stiller) Four Christmases
no order elf donnie darko fight club saving private ryan silence of the lambs star wars step brothers pulp fiction a clockwork orange watchmen finding nemo toy story
I have a ton more, but this list can go on forever. Any Given Sunday The Matrix (all) Taken Transformers (both) All "Alien" excludes AvP Short Circuit 1 & 2 (Johnny five alive mo fooka) The Boondock Saints Lethal Weapon (all) Bad Boys 1 & 2 The Waterboy From Dusk till Dawn Enemy of the State iRobot Air Force One Eternal sunshine of the Spotless Mind Wall-E Oldboy The Bourne Identity The Bourne Supremacy The Bourne Ultimatum Iron Man Spider-man (all) X-men Trilogy X-men Wolverine Ransom I am Legend The Pursuit of Happyness Men In Black The Legend of Bagger Vance Independence Day Gladiator Fight Club Seven A beautiful Mind Body of Lies The Manchurian Candidate John Q American Gangster Deja Vu Man on Fire Training Day Courage Under Fire Malcolm X Lakeview Terrace The Spirit Jumper Cleaner S.W.A.T Rules Of engagement The negotiator Die Hard (all) Pulp Fiction The Kingdom Stealth Collateral I wanna see Sarge's list.
I could write a massive list, which I might do later, but instead I'll just post my top 5 1. The Dark Knight (46 viewings and counting) 2. Batman Begins 3. The Prestige 4. One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest 5. Pulp Fiction
Too many to count, but here's a few: The Boy in Striped Pajamas Forrest Gump Casablanca The Big Lebowski I'll Sleep when I'm Dead
My top 10 (In no particular order): -25th Hour -Glenngarry Glen Ross -Fight Club -Ronin -Oldboy -The Shining -2001: A Space Oddysey -Kill Zone -Re-Animator -Cool Hand Luke
1. Monty Python and The Holy Grail 2. Napoleon Dynamite 3. Ocean's Eleven 4. Avatar 5. Transformers 6. X2: X-Men United 7. School Of Rock 8. The Phantom Of The Opera 9. Twilight 10. Transformers 2
Kidsish films that I still love, that haven't really been mentioned; Finding Nemo The Incredibles Wall-E (Okay it was mentioned, but only once.) Monsters Inc. Shrek Meet the Robinsons Aladdin
In no order: Men in Black 1 + 2 Dark Knight Batman Begins iRobot Johnny English Hot Fuzz Shaun of the Dead Pirates of the Caribbean (the first one) Dodgeball Iron Man Happy Gilmore Feris Beuller's Day Off Avatar I am Legend I know there's more but I can't think of them.