I'm working on a map formerly known as Parazoan, though I recently changed the name to Scyphozoan. Right now I'm testing it, and then it's going to be released sometime next month hopefully. More information available here.
Haha, Fritos, that made me laugh. It's Fritzter (spelling?) for the record books. By the way, lemme know if you need any help doing anything on the map. The design looks awesome. I saw this in the other thread you posted. I personally think this is pretty sweet. I still love that archway.
Im working on a map called Explicit. Its about 30% done as of now, Its asymetrical, with a gameplay that will keep you on your toes, with all of the twist, turns, jump, and different routes. I had a neak peak about it. here's the link to the sneak peak. My map explicit So far people have seemed to like it. YOu guys should come check it out and tell me what you think. I might post the pics from the sneak peak on here later. (although I dont see why I would need to, all you have to do is click the link.)
Currently, I'm working on a v2 for Archetype, a v2 for Vandam Keep, and will be releasing BladeWorks sometime this week. (all competitive)
Well, this is my next project which is inspired by another game on PC that I found. It is in an urban setting and will include two ziplines. These "ziplines" are going to be replacing the fence walls shown in the picture and another one is going to be near the bottom part of the picture. I'm still designing, so expect it in about a month or so.
Well I'm Xbox-less at the moment so I'm working on a pretty sick (if I say so myself, and I do say so myself) Conquest map on Sketch-Up. It's pretty simple but the gameplay will make everything a bit more fair and fun.
It is a small 1 on 1 or, 2 on 2 map on avalanche. It is escapable currently but it will become unbreakable. I hope to make it bigger, as of right now it seems to small to support 2 vs. 2. Please tell me what you think and if it is to big. expect a release in two or three days.