What Are You Working On?

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by smitty0018, Dec 24, 2008.

  1. smitty0018

    smitty0018 Ancient
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    Well, if you ever are around the MLG Pro Forge forums, you probably have seen the thread for upcomming projects. Thought it would be cool if we made one over here as well.

    So, go ahead and post any progress on your upcomming maps or maps that you're beginning to plan out.

    What type of map are you working on? (two base, four base, symmetric, asymmetric, etc.)

    Is there an estimate as to when it will be released.


    I'll start us off. Me and dented_drum are sketching up a symmetric map that will hopefully turn out incredible. We're planning to start the forging around the beginning of January. Not gonna give anything more than that, we're keeping it a secret ;)

    By the way, if this thread isn't wanted or needed, I'd ask a mod to go ahead and close it, but I figured that it would be an easy way to see the progress of some of your favorite forgers' maps.
  2. Yo Mommas Foot

    Yo Mommas Foot Ancient
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    Im creating a small FFA map designed to be revolving around two pallet escalators it probably will be farely good sized and i already have drawn it out.
  3. smitty0018

    smitty0018 Ancient
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    Sweet. Are they like actually escalators, like a diagnoal movement, or more like an elevator?
  4. DimmestBread

    DimmestBread Ancient
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    I'm creating an MLG map for the forge like a pro contest, currently in testing now. It uses the entire foundry and has a lot of vertical gameplay. It has teleporters but all they do is you go into one at the bottom of a double box and you appear on top of it, so it should work fine.
  5. smitty0018

    smitty0018 Ancient
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    You're also encouraged to post any pics, unless you don't want people to steal your ideas, even though you have evidence that it was your idea first =P
  6. DimmestBread

    DimmestBread Ancient
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    Good point smitty.


    Here are my only four that I will show, which basically show the entire map.
    If you want to help me test this hit me up on live tomorrow (DimmestBread) or post your gamertag.
  7. smitty0018

    smitty0018 Ancient
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    Hmm, looks pretty good. I might have to check it out. I doubt I'll be on tomorrow, family stuff, y'know. Send me a FR and I'll check it out Friday or something.
  8. Yo Mommas Foot

    Yo Mommas Foot Ancient
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    No actually escalators diagnoal movement escalators
  9. smitty0018

    smitty0018 Ancient
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    Sounds awesome. Get to work, I'm curious as to how they work!
  10. Kilamanjara14

    Kilamanjara14 Ancient
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    I am working on an enclosed map that is has a lot of aesthetics and hopefully gameplay should be good aswell... It is a mixture of the map Saphire and Proximity. I will get pictures up soon aswell. So far I have the design and a few aesthetics in it.
  11. megathumbs

    megathumbs Ancient
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    I am currently working on a enclosed close quarters map that takes up the middle strip of foundry. should be released soon.
  12. halo kid

    halo kid Ancient
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    At the moment i have a small 1v1/2v2/4FFA map,a asthetic house a race track that I'm still planing in my head,and a gridlocked like(not a remake)map.
  13. TKS x MoNsTeR x

    TKS x MoNsTeR x Ancient
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    Im working on a symetrical MLG map with SoLo, KR0NIC SM0KE, and xSethiroth87x.
    Were currently designing and sketching so no pics.
  14. Speed-e-cake

    Speed-e-cake Ancient
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    I am working on multiple maps but I only have one that I'm going to share since it's almost done, but I was also working a mini game that is ready to be posted.

    Plunder: A Conquest supporting map that has a Wire Spool Train and turns into a one sided map when played with an Asymmetric gametype. It has a Urban-ish feel to it. I'm just have to make it support all the gametypes that I want it to and play test, then it will be posted, hopefully before the end of Christmas holidays. Picture of it up soon.
  15. ScarFac3d

    ScarFac3d Ancient
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    I'm working on getting footage for my Skate Park compiliation, I have a good 3 minutes worth of footage, if you get any good footage on either of my maps, send it to me!
  16. Mastar

    Mastar Ancient
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    I'm making a small competitive map on Avalanche.
    There is going to be a huge surprise to unveil that I delete each time before testing so no one sees what it is :D
  17. Resix

    Resix Ancient
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    Im working on a big team map on avalanche kinda like a who can control the top bas the longest. this is eally testing my forging ability trying to create a whole new map on blackouts default configuration
  18. P3P5I

    P3P5I Ancient
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    Since I'm probably not going to finish this map, I'll go ahead and tell you the idea for it. It's a remake of a real life metro station with actual ridable metro cars. The metro cars are not warthogs or anything drivable, but the trucks off foundry being propelled by man cannons. The map is designed to be either symmetrical or asymetrical. The only problem is you have to make the metro cars stop at your base and stop again at your opponents base (it's kinda hard to do this on account of having to stop a truck being propelled by man cannons). Well, Merry Christmas and happy forging.
  19. Yekkou

    Yekkou Yellow, but with "kk"s
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    I'm actually giving my older map "Tokyo Streets" a major revamp. Its all the same concept, a city, but it's going to be a lot cleaner looking and smooth.. It's can be played 2v2-1v1 and FFA, but it's mostly being built around asymmetric gametypes I.E. Assault, One Flag and so on. There are two streets, One High and One Low, and instead of a lower parking garage I've changed it into a sewer system. I've still got to finish up some boundries but other than that the form of the map is recognizable. If you want a vague understanding of this map check the pictures on my old one (in sig below).
  20. DRiSCOLL

    DRiSCOLL Ancient
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    mm this sort of thread has been done twice before, by me and deathtoll.

    to stay on topic: I've been very busy in many colabs, blazeisgod, knightboy, halostriker, paulie just to name a thew.

    I would give a lot of info but so far its on top secret grounds. But nun tthe less they are all looking very nice, some coming quicker than others but expect something soon.

    A couple of mini games i made awhile ago are in its final testing stages, even a collab with boydy. Very original and extremely fun, can't wait to share.

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