I know exactly how you feel. The contrast can look great on Impact, but there's so much about it that just screams frame-rate. Though Forge Island is treating me well my first time on it. Also: Oh yes. Trying something new with the opening above. Either it's there just for an extra grenading option, or I am brainstorming a high route from the room left of this one up there (there will be a railing leading to OS). Not even I know the future for the map. I'm upset with the white floor, so that may be subject to change.
Hi! Working on a map inspired by Shangri La from UT3. Taking it really slow though, want this map to be as aesthetically pleasing as possible while maintaining some competitive gameplay on it. The map was beautiful in UT3 so I really wanna do it justice. K bye.
Yeah had a great time. Went to the Canari Islands with my gf, was good to relax and clear my mind for a bit. You were gone for a while aswell right? And with THC down, this is the place where all the cool kids hang I guess?
Beyond Cool Somewhat more on topic, I've updated Akasha. Added some piping to act as a third power position. One way tele's from each bottom room lead there. Haven't run any tests yet.
Beyond totally god damn freaking awesome Anyways, can Forgehub tell me why I don't get notified upon being quoted, but I get notified when somebody likes my post?
Having a like system automatically makes it more like facebook so through the transitive property it means we can have a greater population. One day we can reach the billions just like FB. Thats the plan. sarcasm
More pictures incoming... I decided to see if I could address some of the concerns about Atlas being too segregated. I've opened up lines of sight between blue and gold, and blue and purple. Also opened up the high walkway running between green and blue to make purple feel more open and connected. I have mixed feelings about the changes, so I'd love to get some feedback if anyone gets a chance to run some games on it. Looking from gold to blue Looking from blue to purple View from OS spawn in purple corner Download Atlas - Test
Wait, if Haunted Army is SecretSchnitzel, then that means he's also Faybian. (I don't know if you were around at this time.)
I remember sitting through an hour-long lecture from SaLoT while on his team in a testing lobby in regards to all the evidence he had that proved Schnitzel was Faybian. Great times.
I actually forgot about this. What ever happened to that dude. And why'd you join the brown shirts with their hard line bollocks dude?