Don't lie, you know exactly why you feel there's more to the story. It's funny... Making hushed implications like thus is something that can get you banned at some forums, depending on the moderators and whether or not they have a preconceived bias towards you. Very prevalent at Waypoint, or at least it used to be. inb4wambulance
i wish there was more to the story... someone got perma-banned just for 'thanking' posts without actually making a post..
....yeah, no. If you want to carry on a random conversation between yourselves there's VM's for that and an entire off topic board for off topic discussion. It's misleading and annoying for people who want to see forge discussion going on in a thread labeled in a way that asks what other members are working on to see random other non-related discussion. All I'm asking is to tone it down a bit, if there is nothing to say don't force it just for the sake of bumping discussion.
yea... yes, WAYWO is the forgers general socializing topic. anything that is more substantial obviously belongs in its own topic but a lot of the time general discussion doesn't fit in its own topic so allowing general socializing here helps breed a healthy community and keep up activity, it also helps display and offer a more friendly environment.
Take a chill pill mate. When people start getting all uppity about what's going on in the WAYWO, the WAYWO tends to deteriorate altogether. It's all fun and games in here man. Honestly, WAYWO has always filled with more OT posts than actual WIPs over the past couple of years... But since we've got all these skype chats floating around these days, there's really not much that happens in here now.
Not everyone is interested in listening to you talk about yourself. Currently working on a lot of changes to Atheist. Warholic and I recently got in touch in the map I adopted from our co-forge. Pretty funny. Not sure if he wants to make it a symmetrical design though, while I want to keep it asymm.
You need to get me in a test of Atheist sometime, Noooch. Invite me if you see me on when you're playing. The map looks great.
Is it so hard to just be light hearted about it man? Really? Atheist is fun. Pretty easy going map. Not too sure if it has that spark for longevity tough, but I'm at least enjoying it for a couple of games.
Well I try to build 4v4 maps but they always come out as 2v2 or 3v3's and I have a lot of trouble figuring out how to connect playspaces I can build awesome rooms/buildings but I can't ever connect them in a way that makes sense I have had forgersblock for this reason on 3 maps I haven't finished.
Working on a remake of my map Antagonist on Forge Island, which maybe I'll post on ForgeHub (because Beyond Waypoint is beyond waypointy). Personally I think it's looking good, despite never using rock pieces before.
My current project. Not that I expect anybody to understand what they're looking at of course. Basically, it's going to be a 4v4 Slayer/Invasion map in Halo Reach (because my Halo 4 disc doesn't work). It's a human Mac-Canon facility based around an experimental canon. You can see it in the center of the image. The surrounding areas will be a raised in-door facility with various walkways and ramps leading to the outside. In one area the floor will have collapsed making room for another point of attack and entry. I've started already on the first draft of it in forge world. I've got the canon down and a few of the surrounding features, but I'm not sure if it's the ideal area for what I'm building. Wish I had forge island in reach. The flat ground would be much, much easier to work with in this regard.
I got a 1-day suspension from BE because the staff is awesome, so here are pics of my progress on Antagonist: Yes, the ladder of logs is completely necessary I am personally upset with this pic because of FI's white pieces, I may try some business with rock walls. I am trying extremely hard to maintain good contrast on this map, which I think I'm doing okay so far. I'm pretty worried about the rest though.