Haha, what a little sh*t. Thats the exact response I like to see from the community in your situation. All I can say is oh well, now he has his gamertag in the forgehub ****-list and no one will believe he made anything without having proof or him giving honest credit.
never had that or seen anything like that...hmmm. try to spawn a block with normal physics and then group it with your existing group. That might work man, no promises. --- Double Post Merged, Jul 19, 2016 --- I grouped my entire blood gulch base together, including the turret I had on top and everything went nerts! hahaha, the base went soaring and the turret detached itself. So just be careful and save quite often, just in case you mess up.
A little sneak peak at my latest WIP. This is just a blockout, finishing visuals after some testing. It's a sweaty 2v2, inspired by Hang Em' High and a little bit of Chill Out and Damnation. If anyone want to play on it, its in my files as Behemoth.
Looks awesome already. I wish @SaltyKoala still had the Tom French gt, I'd invite him to the party with the 3 of us and have salty threaten to ban him.
I've also had that issue when moving grouped objects. This only happened when placed turrets/weapons were included in the group - once I excluded them from the groups it worked fine.
Yep! That's the only reason mine messed up. I had a chain gun turret on top of my unsc base. I grouped it and went to move it...**** went south and I had to exit and go back into my last save. The base flew out into the void of parallax, where I couldn't reach it.
I literally have a poster of the dude on my wall right next to my desk. Like this post if you want to see it --- Double Post Merged, Jul 20, 2016 --- I love seeing maps in this state. I have no Idea why, but it's probably has something to do with why I love looking at sketch-ups as well.
I've been making some pretty nice progress on the real version today I've been slowly adding geometric detail to the towers, as you can probably tell. This version in up-scaled a good bit, but I think it'll be perfect.
****ing gorgeous. Good work. In regards to your last post, I agree totally brother. It's the minimalistic, clean look. It's gets better with the concrete texture. It's probably the same reason I was one of the weird kids that actually likes the look of Pegasus. Not Orion though.
default colors map randomly floating in the middle of glacier for no apparent reasons 2/10 not immersed
You'd think some one say this was kidding, but this is Goat we're talking about... He's probably serious.
If for some reason, you don't finish this... I will find you. I can't remember who it was, but someone wanted to show me maps they had and they had a half finished version of Dalaran... It was legit too.