I'm gonna finish this one. Friend made the dojo in the back, as well as the flowers and the fireplace, which is a bit off center. Not sure if I'm gonna have it sticking out like that either. Thinking about sinking it into the wall and changing the look of it completely. This is total WIP. Lots of jagged everything, and I'll make it much prettier. The rectangles in the stone pillars are just placeholders. I'm gonna make those bitches look like Christmas trees when I'm done with them. http://xboxdvr.com/gamer/Mr Bouncerverse/video/19235788 Here's a little clip of what I have done. Again, a bit of gross stuff. I don't care for the neon orange marble window thingy, so I'll likely change that. Consider this a blockout of a random layout that'll likely be changed.
Cmon bro, we really gonna bring that up again? O got drunk again tonight so I'm not scared. I Donny say a symmetrical map should win, just that I figured we'd get at least one in the top 15 list at least...? I never said its superior or anything but shiot, only room based asyms can make the cut? Eff that nigg, eff that. Don't beat a dead horse tho, clearly there weren't any symmetrical maps good enough so we're stuck with with what we got. Asym room based with 2 different style open map asyms. Sucks but oh well, we just need to step it up e bit.
Been working on some flood stuff. Using the elite corpse, trash bags and flowers seems to work really well.
Damn right on that like white on rice. I'm so glad we can pull this theme off now. The plant really sells it. I've been noticing lately how important it is to "wait" for the them to add new things. Obviously if all you did is wait, you'd never get anything done. But some of my maps would not have been possible without the things they've been adding. The April update in particular added vegetation, with May adding textures, FX and props and June adding more of those on top of new terrain and plant stuff. I just really enjoy seeing how far we've come. You're using 3 pieces that weren't in the game in March, and thinking about that gets excited for the future.
Forge is looking real good, wish I could half enjoy the game to make use of it . Looking forward to seeing what you guys make.
Since I suck at making orginal competitive layouts I've been working on some flood stuff. Using the elite corpse's, cromas and scripting. Seems to work really well.
That's interesting. So 343 is saying they don't intend to fix this? (Because if they do then the maps that break the physics won't work any longer?)
i've been noticing more frames than usual in forge but customs seems to be fine. remember we have more pieces now so that's still going to impact performance. i don't know whether they optimized it or simply raised it. however, i'm comfortably at what would have been 156% physics on my map currently and i'll probably go up no more than 20% by the time i'm done. If I get significant frames by then, goat am cry. I wouldn't worry about the occasional hiccup though. As long as it's not a consistent sightline related hiccup, it should be fine. 343's own maps have persistent framerate problems, so they can't complain