Grunts are awesome, but that doesn't matter anyways The grunt mech is literally a giant grunt with a grunt inside. Imagine if the mantis looked exactly like a spartan, jut really big... lol
Hahshahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha You know that's a thing, right? Most of the mechs in Halo are just giant versions of Humans.
That's not the same. They all look very different from a spartan, but the grunt mech is LITERALLY A GIANT GRUNT WITH A GIANT NEEDLER
Yeah, why would the grunts (knowing their physique is far inferior) design a giant machine to help them finally destroy the Spartans after all this time & model it after the far inferior physique?... They would have made it into a faster, slimmer mech that actually improved their abilities.
Its because while they may be good engineers they dont have the creativity to. And it looks silly, so why not. -some dude at 343
Can we just take a minute to realize a giant mech grunt is not only manufactured by the covenant to assault humanity, (as mental as that sounds) but it is now cannon, and officially a covenant vehicle in line with scarabs and ghosts. If it was ever clear that 343 does not care about reserving the legacy or QA Halo was known for, it is now.
Well, I mean, it IS a simulation. So technically they could do anything and call it canon but never have it show up anywhere but warzone
Ideas are starting to flow. Elevator teleporter on the left. The glass bridges is what excites me the most. Gonna be DOPE.
343's Halo may as well be simulations the way the universe is going. I'm still getting over the fact that Halo 5 revolves around human sized Cortana. wat Halo 4 and Halo 5 are just dreams he's having while he's sleeping in his Cryotube