I have a hard time taking anyone who mains neogaf/halogaf seriously. Those forums are like the tumblr of video games lol. In fact I have a hard time feeling sane on any forum except Beyond anymore. Even a huge number of people here share the reddit mentality of being a massive passive aggressive apologist. I know people mean well but after 14 years of degrading multiplayer mechanics in Halo you reach a point where you don't feel like having 'reasonable'discussion anymore (I'm talking about myself here). I don't always want to sit here for the 100th time and explain why there shouldn't be radar in multiplayer when we have 15 years of precedence of why it doesn't work. So yeah, I'll settle for "If you think that way you have the wrong opinion and are a cancer to the community". If people are offended by my posts, and I know many are, I apologize. I just don't care to spell out the obvious anymore. I know everyone means well and are here because they love Halo.
1. i've watched and enjoyed the past episodes and was posting the e4 summary jokingly 2. anyone who uses "tumblr" as a broad-stroke pejorative is probably going in the same bin as people who try to derisively label people SJWs unironically
Okay, fair enough. I apologize for misinterpreting your post. I pretty much interpret every post directed at me as condescending at this point on any discussion board outside of Beyond, hence the user title <--- Edit: its also worth noting I have a tumblr
@CANADIAN ECHO @REMkings @CommanderColson @PA1NTS And I thought I was a slow forger in Halo 4 and H2A. Finishing a playable version of Boarding Pass probably took over 15 hours spanning 3 months. But finally, it's ready for testing. The Halo 5 version of the map is vastly different from it's Halo 4 and H2A version. Thanks to the new power of Halo 5 forge, I was finally able to make the map as I originally envisioned it. - There is now an additional train and make them both longer spanning ALMOST the entire length of the map. - The restaurant which used to be only one floor has been expanded upon to have two levels. It's a much more viable holdout location now. - The room next to the 2nd floor of the restaurant is no longer a basic square. - Height advantage added to the storage room to make it a better holdout for humans. - It is now possible to effectively hold out in one of the trains. Thanks to Orzium for pushing this to happen. Those are just the main changes in this version of the map. There are tons more that I won't mention. Anyway, enough rambling. On to the pics! More pics: Spoiler So far, I'm very happy with the sweat levels of the map. But I'm sure there's still a lot of changes to be done. BETA download link: https://www.halowaypoint.com/en-us/games/halo-5-guardians/xbox-one/map-variants?lastModifiedFilter=Everything&sortOrder=BookmarkCount&page=1&gamertag=Zandril S312#ugc_halo-5-guardians_xbox-one_mapvariant_Zandril S312_74abd7b2-7cf1-4fd5-9759-8000a243ceaf
Somebody needs to hack Multi and upload the goddamn videos for him, only way they'll ever get out there at this point. Preferably someone from Romania.
I need a play test lobby for my laser tag slayer map. If you want to join message me I'm Cowboys Bay B
Just been working on some covenant themed props... At this point, I don't think I will ever complete another map, I'll just churn out props for other people to use/draw inspiration from/completely disregard.
Been slowly working on a serious design. Still working on a sketchup, but i just wanted to show before i have to be away from home. There will be 3 sender/receivers. It will be in the sky and aesthetics close to a Babylon garden or something. The whole "death pit" you can fall into will send you to mid center to throw off movement. i have no idea how it would work lol just wanting to try something.
I guess I can show this off for now. I'm still working on simplifying some spots because I am running out of pieces rapidly. (Its because of those damned beautiful slanted tile roofs)
It'd be cool if you wielded the top of that tower together and set it to normal physics! You could hold it up with grav volumes! Could be cool experimentation!