Inb4 "It's literally been done for months, but clicking upload is too much work because I'm a ***** ass muthafuckin scrublord"
Its quinns vision to have Halo be as esports as possible. Turned Halos greatest strength (diversity/variety, something for everyone like Halo 3 MM) and balanced the whole/community effort towards 4 v 4 only. He designs around what he finds fun (hence the lack of sandbox updates since launch for rifles/autos/major power weapons). He did the same with Judgement in Gears, removed all the unique aspects of that series to make it as generalised as possible.
*Cough* Withholding content again *Cough* *Cough* Impeccable timing again *Cough* Man, the hypocrisy is really getting to my lungs today.
If 343 gave me a special position, title, and influence over the community in exchange for map design videos, and then only shared them with my friends, you'd have a point.
MultiLockOn This is your Mother. Front and center young man. I'm getting older. Publish or perish! /me sighs...such a tease, that one...
A few people here and there have seen it. I just got on a few hours ago to finish it up but only put down like...2 pieces. My piece count is at 993, still needs lighting and a few things here or there. But it's playable. It'll come...eventually. I just don't really get on Xbox more than once a week anymore. No lie though, I couldn't be happier with what I have though. It's pretty baller.
Episode 4: "Now let's take a look at what makes a good map: - good stuff - probably not 343 stuff - look at these things that i put on my map here because they're good One thing a lot of people tend to [forget / overuse / underuse] in their map development process are shmooglydongs, and when you miss those the entire process goes to ****. Use them! Oh and now that halo 5's clogged the proverbial movement toilet with Spartan Abilities™, you've got to do new stuff you didn't before, which is good and/or bad because 343 mirite Now stay tuned for Episode 5 in Q5 2019, where I discuss how to properly implement grime on shmooglydongs exceeding a yaw of 65 degrees"
Your asshole must still be puckered because I got into that discussion with overdoziz earlier. Episode 4 is how to design a map in Halo 5, which means taking all the abilities into account. No, 343 maps don't set a good precedent for map design. If you actually disagree with something I've said in past videos you're more than welcome to bring it up and make a case, I'm always willing to discuss level design with anyone who can speak with any type of self control and intelligence. Whether or not you'll be able to do that, I don't know. I don't think I've ever even seen your name before the other day so I have no opinion of you outside of your self sacrificial post for overdoziz where you glued your balls to the wall.
^^ 'sokay. Wahrer is like everyone else here: a good egg, slightly cracked. I know him/of him from neogaf and Full of...ideas