So many good projects its awesome to see everyone doing something. @MrGreenWithAGun Thanks for taking the time to give you thoughts. I will say that room isnt complete and the only thing close to being done was the floor and even that is not done. There is going to be a hole in the middle of the floor that will allow you to shoot from there to the basement. Plus I wanted the floor to look different in contrast to what will be below. The area below is a natural type basement. Because of this, when looking from that perticular point of view If the tile was all one color and the area below was the natural rock It would have blended in to much and you wouldnt be able to tell where you where really looking. Plus that area isnt walled off yet which will make the blocks not pop as much once all that nasty natural lighting is gone. The photo more or less was just trying to show off what i thought was cool looking tile. I will be making sure I am paying attention to how everything contrast trust me on this. Thanks for sharing your thoughts, I will make sure to keep them in mind
I keep feeling like I should have more to this map than just natural stuffs, but I end up building some bullshit forerunner structure and I don't want to cheapen how cool my natural stuff is with some generic forerunner monolith so I end up deleting it and staring at the screen for a half hour trying to think of something and it just loops back to forerunner. I will find a way to have structures made of trees or something. Unnatural natural formations.
Trust me, ill find a way, this will be done, Im very confident about getting it done with the current budget. Im not as confident when it comes down to having enough for aesthetics or allowing other forgers to use it as a template. We will see soon enough.
Kinda left field here, but I must say it's amazing that the forge team keeps updating new items and features in the forge world. I still don't like the default game settings, but forge keeps me coming back trying new things. Kudos to them
Alright, let's see if I can figure this out. I'm building a forerunner elevator with some exciting scripting ideas
Make sure to clean the lens of your camera before you record. There was junk on lens at 0:33, 0:46, 0:54, 1:15, 1:17, 1:25, 1:28, 1:33, 1:39, 1:42, and 1:50.
My bad, kept dropping the camera in a massive pile of ****. Aka. The mym contest. It's that edgy time of night lol.
After some playtesting and feedback, I'm going back to the drawing board to redesign Terrace from scratch. I'm even going to the lengths to redo the map on another canvas. #fml Rest in peace, version 1.
I forgot all about this historical masterpiece! The Native Americans did build some impressive burial mounds didn't they?