The fact that everyone is talking about how amazing their maps look, and then not showing pictures is blowing my mind. Soon there will be no mind left to blow.
I don't want to hype mine up too, but I think its probably the best looking aesthetics in any map I've ever made. Just trying to work past the curse of goat and actually just run with a layout and not **** with it perpetually.
This. Look you guys I don't have an xb1 so I can't compete here or I am sure I would be at the tip of the art scale. So I need you all to tease me here...
This is my current Work In Progress. Code name Dungeon. I hope you guys enjoy the pictures. The map is vary much a Work In Progress. I have not done much to the the part inside the castle so not to much to show there, also there is another area that I havent started yet. But I wanted to get any feedback possible. So any suggestions I would love to hear them. Feel free to PM me. Might make a thread for this also
I was just kidding. I don't have anything in the works. I just wanted to be as cool as multi for just a minute but I can't deliver. Thanks anyway!
I wanted to comment on these pics, I had to wait until I got home to do it (mobile sucks). The first pic looks nice. I like what is seen FROM THAT PERSPECTIVE. I don't know what it looks like if the perspective were elevated looking down like in the second picture. I like the rock look everywhere, it all blends together as a solid architecture and theme. The second pic doesn't look good, because the floor is visually noisy. The contrasts are all over. The problem is that the contrasts draws your attention to the floor, and you never want that on a map. Go back to every map in Halo 1, 2, and 3, and even Reach (but not 4), and you will see that the floors can have contrasts, but not all over the place, just in a few patches here and there.
I disagree. There's a reason he's drawing attention to the floor and you will see when the map is done.
hello everyone, I am new to forge hub so please be kind but this is what i am working on the map called Mercy
Then I shall await................................................................................ My son appreciates your map so much he cannot believe that it is forged. It looks stunning. He says you win the internet. I think this is the sort of architecture that we have needed, clean, pristine, alien. I love it. Not sure how it plays, but it looks stunning. It's maps like this that make me feel vindicated when I told 343i that circular architectures were winners and that they needed to include more circular pieces. Between the circulars and the wide range of colors, I think the potential exponentially grew overnight.