Multi: Hey bro look at this map bro Given: Dude bro, this map is so metal bro Multi: Love you bro Given: Love you too bro Xandrith: y'all nasty --- Double Post Merged, May 17, 2016 --- I suggest you all pay a visit to the Trinity thread if you wanna know what I really think of Multi.
Not gonna lie, the single player is ****in amazing. I dabbled a little in the mp and it didn't really feel right though.
That's pretty much the general census on the game. You can tell they didn't have faith in the MP by outsourcing it to Certain Affinity. Which is a bummer because the campaign is AMAZING, even the movement resembles quake. If they just took that and made a MP out if it the game would've been brilliant
Exactly why I didn't immediately hop on the doom train. ...which is apparently a thing from Final Fantasy. 3spooky5me
I could've told you all this from playing 1 game of the beta. It didn't surprise me lol I knew what I was buying. I still love this game though.
Since everyone is going to be posting pictures of awesome stuff. My next post will be the same. My 100th post will blow minds Hopefully
@Sethiroth @SoloXIII I just saw that The Epidemic featured Hazard. Somehow I came across that map about a month ago and have played countless 1v1s on it with my brothers. We really like it. Just wanted to say it is the most enjoyable 1v1 I have came across in H5 (even though it is meant for 2v2 ).
I'm in the process of redesigning the marble map. I now have the aesthetic down, now for an interesting layout to match This is the first time I have actually messed with aesthetics on a secret alt account, so hopefully once your minds are in order after seths post I will proceed to blow them once more.
Guys I really can't wait to forge again, the urge to use the new textures is tearing me apart... And even when I'll forge again I'll have to complete that map over the snowy mountain with that giant forerunner structure, and the textures don't go well there
I tweeted that map to Tom French this afternoon, nice to hear it plays well because honestly it LOOKS awesome too.
Hope you guys are ready. Once I get pics of my latest map off of my alternate account your minds are going to be blown to peices. I've never been one to toot my own horn but nobody can touch what I've got in the works, NOBODY! Hold on to your nipples cuz sh!t$ about to get real!