Thanks man! This is all very helpful info. I got my physics budget down enough for me to finish the main building. Then I just have spawns and weapons to add, then off to test! I'm excited about this one. I'll try to post some WIP pictures soon.
Honestly, I wasn't ever going to come back, but I was working on a project and I needed a screen shot of the Forge 5 palette objects, but no one bothered to help me, so I had to find/create one from earlier XB360 titles for my project. In the process I browsed some of the maps being created and it served to only confirm what I strongly believed all along - that if 343i would provide the proper type of palette (they did this time) that the question would no longer be one of which map plays well, but which map is a real map - including both great play and great art. What I am seeing is what I always hoped to see in forge - a clear and unambiguous gradient of art quality that demonstrates who has an eye for art and who doesn't have any art talent what so ever, and where each forger sits on that gradient. It is a very interesting experience to have all of my expectations confirmed, first by the offerings within Forge 5, and then the wide variety of art skill being demonstrated by the community.
Made some changes based on feedback given in Max Extra's lobby. File name: The Breaking V2 Beta 2 Courtyard before: Courtyard after:
Any tips on natural terrain and lighting? Like where should I leave dynamic lighting on and where should I take it off on a natural map?
I have created a map and am interested in knowing what people think about it. I created this map a while ago but have not published it yet do to editing. Please any feedback would appreciated! Top Deck (Beta) This map was created for a competitive 4v4. Right now I am wondering about weaponry and what the best fit would be for the map. I have been busy with personal life so I have not made a video of this map yet. It would be greatly appreciated if I could get someone to record a 4v4 full gameplay video to help me analyze my map. I hope you all enjoy! Thanks
This is High Noon. An asymmetric Core design I`ve been playing around with for the past couple weeks. Set in the abandoned districts of Old Garthram, the multiple levels and areas provide the prefect battleground to stretch a Spartan`s legs and trigger finger. Since this is a WIP, a lot of this is heavily subject to change. For example, I`m defiantly changing the skybox to create a more "nighttime" vibe. My intentions are to make this available to play with 4v4, but we`ll see. I have been out of the forge game for 3 years now and I feel hesitant about whether I can make this work or not, but I can`t be more happy to say that this will be my first map I completed in years...
Given, I can assure you that my morality and OCD won`t allow that. I`m going to try and make every thing uber detailed and immersive af.
I feel like that is the only way to get projects recognized nowadays. Exceeding everyone`s expectations by a multiple of three and exploring the deepest depths of what H5 forge has to truly offer.
Zombie. Villan. Oh how I thought I`d never see your name again. I`m an absolute fan of the content you made back in Halo 3!
@BrutalButtSlaps You really took the new jersey barrier idea and used it in a unique way. This looks so cool man. Awesome work.
Thanks but my forging isn't as good as it was back then. My projects come by much slower now. It's more of a motivation thing tho cuz this forge is awesome. Thanks for the love. You've got a sick lookin theme going on your map.
Soooooo when is 343 going to refix the welding glitch (kinda ironic statement really), because I want to weld more stuff to vehicles and make kickass minigames... and it's not working anymore! Okay, there. I got to rant somewhere