It wasn't my intention to put you in the same light as them. I gave out a thought that you made a small choice that, if continued similarly, would possibly end up in bad times. But, you've proven you're smarter than that, and will probably shrug off this minor inconvenience to push ahead with better intentions. As I said, I hope you find what you're looking for.
yup started something last night. put about 20 minutes into it. didn't save it yet because i wanted to see where it would go. it starts to take shape while im working on the last piece, when all of a sudden - and i mean this very literally - 2 seconds before i'm going to save while i'm grouping the last set of objects, it crashes.
Yep...forge kept crashing my game past two days. And whispered a promise in a girl's ear, you should keep it. Come tell Mama, or Mama SPANK.
I kinda did the same thing last night. I have a custom repeating design I wanted for the entire floor. After having the game crash every time I grouped my pieces, I took the least amount of repeating pieces, grouped them, then duplicated and moved into place with magnets. I then un-grouped the original, then saved. Rinse and repeat, and now I have my floor to build on. Sheesh.
I'm working on a 'cabin in the woods' style infection map. Hopefully playtest it in a few hours if anyone's online. Anyone got an idea for a name? Preferably with the word "cabin" in it or a take on the word since the log cabin is the focus of the map. 'Cabin in the woods' and 'Cabin Fever' are off limits because they are famous movie titles. Although I could play with them. "Cabin Flu" for instance. I'd appreciate ideas.
You say you have technique. You say you share technique. Me female. Me waited for you to tell technique. You no share technique. Females no like this share no share, we get cranky. Me old enough to be your mommy. Me make cute play on words. You share technique?
Women don't go around telling everyone that they're women. PM proof or the next REQ in this thread will be the Legendary BanHamma
Well, that's how life goes. At least you don't break your H5 disc, change your gamertag, then buy H5 again and keep on forging without saying anything and pretending like nothing happened, riiiight?
Really? In gamerland online, I have had to, repeatly, or peeps don't get where I am coming from. So, proof? What? How, you want pic of my bewbs? Really.
Where all the gamers gather. Nice use of Oprah. Best I can do, unless you get on a party chat with me and listen to me sing the high notes from select Phantom of the Opera songs, is to state anonomissx has been my nom du net since 1998. Here is a post from 2013, referencing my status as a member since 2006 on the DBS forums: It's post #13, and I used a very obscure pic of myself in my profile. Hope you are happy.
I meant no malice and I'd hope you or anyone doesn't feel unwelcome here or elsewhere on this site. My PM should clarify.