Gameplay by Certain Affinity. If it turns out to suck, don't say I didn't warn you. I'll be picking up the game because of single player.
I have a feeling that the same thing that happened with the breakout playlist (certain select people being informed of the task) is happening with infection. Someone please tell me I'm wrong.
Awesome, forget wavyrenZU. Suckas hate hard, hoes treat me like a king! Them bitchez can't breathe, beware them nighas wit tattoo sleeves!
Definitely wrong. People are just anticipating Infection. Sean (Mr. Pokephile) is also hosting an infection contest. People know that 343 wouldn't dare miss infection and there has been a lot of uproar about it so it isn't really hard to anticipate that infection is coming down the pipeline. So people are just getting a jump on when infection does come out. Similar to how people got the jump on Grifball before it was even really known if it was coming. Many people just analyze the hype and what people are asking for and then build accordingly. The next task after the last Grifball/BTB one is Doubles due on March 28th. If anything else was known, the new CC initiative is to make sure people are informed. So yeah. @WARHOLIC was pretty clear that he will be very vocal about further initiatives.
No one is being asked to make anything. There are people out there that are making infection maps based on one single thing, anticipation. People know this game type is coming and they're getting ready, you should too In regards to the 2v2 maps, we'll be setting up a playlist based on the top 10 - 12 maps from the contest. I wanted to keep that as a surprise but oh well.
UPPER AND LOWER COURTYARD CATWALK AND LOAD ZONE Just need some gameplay tweaks and advice. So I'll be testing that soon. Shoutout to @Demption for the courtyard suggestion. And suck it @Overdoziz
Is there any way to replicate the "cycling ordnance" thing Halo 4's Ordnance Drops allowed for, where it would alternate between different weapons and powerups at different timers?
i bet if you take a look at the forge hub video about making a random weapons box you could probably figure out how to make it not random. like script 6 boxes each to spawn a specific weapon and once you open one you can't open the others until something something
Really?! I dared to use white with gold trim & some beaches beached in the testing games. I will add it wasn't anyone who had white & gold that were the beachers but they are friends with said beaches. This makes me want to go back & quadruple check if my maps are in any way anti-playlist worthy, though it may be to late, though I already triple checked them, though I smoked a lot of weed along time ago & my memory sucks.
As cartographers I think it is a disservice to the community to only put maps into the 2v2 playlist that were submitted to the contest. Just doesn't seem right. There are many people who have soild 2v2 maps(myself NOT included lol) that arent part of forgehub or had no interest in being in the contest whom shld have a equally fair chance of getting their map in the playlist even if it wasn't submitted to forgehubs contest. You guys need to be more transparent. Hiding stuff from the community doesn't help. Cartographers work for 343i first and foremost, not forgehub. This is Charlie's lesser known tomato soup factory (credit: @purely fat). Suppose to be a 1v1. I'n aware that the fire is causing a bit of framerate, I'm probably gonna have to make it an instant death pit rather than a health drain :/
Did you get that interval hallway thing figured out yet? Are people going to get trapped inside the hall?