What Are You Working On?

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by ForgeHub, Jul 12, 2013.

  1. a Chunk

    a Chunk Blockout Artist
    Forge Critic Wiki Contributor Senior Member

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    I'm not sure I'd like to strip this game down to a bare bones experience like that (I personally prefer keeping at least clamber in the game, because I like the design opportunities/increased verticality possibilities it opens up). I'd definitely prefer to keep the magnum as the starting weapon if the spartan abilities are removed. I'm sure I'll be able to keep games much closer with your settings, but that's not necessarily a good thing when I'm playing against people that are much better than me.

    That said, I'd like to give it a try sometime. I wish I had a bit more time to work on developing some 1v1 settings, because I DO feel like it needs its own unique settings to really play well in this game.
    Xandrith and MultiLockOn like this.
  2. iTz Longshot

    iTz Longshot Ancient
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    Yeah, I see what you mean. I haven't gone too into the settings. It boiled down to just my personal preference and not having a lot of knowledge on H5. Having a refined gametype for it would be pretty cool.
    MultiLockOn likes this.
  3. Erupt

    Erupt Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    That's a great idea, but, what are the chances: there is also a drop down directly onto the weapon spawn! :) it's going to work out just fine doing it the way you did on trestles, though, so I'm happy. Thanks for the help

    Inversely, Chunk, if I could remove one of the new movement options, it would be clamber. It forces me to make my maps more vertical than I wanted which leads to the map getting bigger and bigger to accommodate for the ramps needing to be longer :/
  4. SaltyKoala

    SaltyKoala Ancient
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    Not to mention clamber empowers a player in a vertical position which is only clamberable. Players in vertical positions don't need more empowerment. You basically can't challenge a player on a only clamberable position.

    Yes, you can design around this, but its something that shouldn't even be a issue with an arena shooter. Moving shouldn't ever stop your ability to shoot, and is the reason I hate sprint as well.
  5. thefro3po

    thefro3po Well Known
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    Sweet baby Jesus!

    That was truly inspirational.
    I remember drooling over some of his 1v1 maps back in the day. That link was just what I needed.

    Great job meshing the natural and block pieces together to make them flow and not feel forced. Aesthetics and pieces usage is simple, yet very effective.

    I think that's one of the hardest parts for me when it comes to designing maps, figuring out how to go about the level/height changes. Interestingly enough, it's also what I find to be fun and most satisfying when I pull it off right. Making all the geometry feel natural, having it flow, wrap, and move fluidly without those abrupt bumps, dramatic climbs or drops, or seesaw effects.

    Gets me excited just thinking about it. :whale:
    AceOfSpades, Erupt and a Chunk like this.
  6. a Chunk

    a Chunk Blockout Artist
    Forge Critic Wiki Contributor Senior Member

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    There are downsides to all of the Spartan Abilities. I wouldn't ever try to paint them as perfect additions. To me, clamber is the one ability that can be argued to improve the game overall, despite its downsides.

    For years, I've been listening to people complain about the lack of verticality in Halo maps. Now that we have an in-game ability that opens up opportunities to address that concern, I'm willing to accept the negative traits that come with it.

    To directly address some of concerns you guys have mentioned:
    - Though I realize it's not a perfect fix, we can adjust Clamber speeds.
    - 'Clamber Only' ledges should only be a thing in very specific scenarios that balance the advantage they provide (for example, they could be in extremely vulnerable positions that don't offer any cover).
    - I won't say that you don't need to increase the size of maps to allow for greater verticality, but there are always ways of building more verticality into a map without needing to alter the player count. Sometimes it just means building different types of ramps.

    And selfishly, I just enjoy designing and building maps around the new abilities, and I don't care too much what they play like because I don't feel like anything plays great in this game. :p
    Erupt, Xandrith and MultiLockOn like this.
  7. MultiLockOn

    MultiLockOn Ancient
    Forge Critic Banned Senior Member

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    I don't think clamber has anything to do with verticality. Especially considering the jump height in this game is substantially shorter than every other halo BECAUSE there's clamber. Almost every clamber only jump could be made with 120 jump height. Halo CE had shitty jumping and still has the tallest maps.

    Reach was an awesome 1v1 game and I miss it :(

    Chunk is a merciful God.
  8. Xandrith

    Xandrith Promethean
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Chunk is a generous God.
    MultiLockOn, a Chunk and Erupt like this.
  9. Erupt

    Erupt Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    How long is an intro cinematic
  10. a Chunk

    a Chunk Blockout Artist
    Forge Critic Wiki Contributor Senior Member

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    11 seconds I think.
    Erupt and Xandrith like this.
  11. SaltyKoala

    SaltyKoala Ancient
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    Good vertically doesn't nesscarilly entail players being able to move vertically super easy. That's just poor map design. All clamber does is make it easier for map designers to make there maps more "vertical" without having to put near the amount of thought into the desgin that they would without clamber. Its a crutch and its bad for an arena shooter. Empowering players in vertical positions is bad. Clamber slows down the game. I shouldn't be able to not shoot due to a core movement mechanic. Halo was an arena shooter but it looks like it isn't anymore. I'm dine with clamber, but keep it out of halo please.
    MultiLockOn, ReclaimerX22 and Blaze like this.
  12. purely fat

    purely fat The Fattest Forger
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    the whole clamber makes vertical maps work crowd were idiots to begin with. They are close minded, don't listen to any points made against their view, don't see the fact that a low position can be as powerful or more powerful than a high position, and think oh I can get to higher ledge with that so that makes vertical maps play better. This just falls in line with thought process that you need 3 or more ways in and out are necessary and anything that doesn't do this is bad. It is just another thing that makes maps flatter and less interesting to play because movement is dumbed down by it. Sure there are cool things you could do with it but as a whole it is something that should not be in arena shooters. That is why I say we have a petition to have the name of Halo 5 changed to Space Marines.

    If any abilities were to stay it would be ground pound and stabilize because of how limited their use is already and the fact that they don't take away from arena aspects and can extend jumping.

    Rant is rant is rant.
  13. AceOfSpades

    AceOfSpades Talented
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Either that or 13
    MultiLockOn and Erupt like this.
  14. Aschur

    Aschur Wubba lubba dub dub
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    Just a peek at something I'm calling Samsara.
    PRS, Buddy Jumps, MultiLockOn and 4 others like this.
  15. iTz Longshot

    iTz Longshot Ancient
    Senior Member

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    @Aschur, how do you get that sand look with the terrain?
  16. ReclaimerX22

    ReclaimerX22 Promethean

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    13 is correct.
  17. MultiLockOn

    MultiLockOn Ancient
    Forge Critic Banned Senior Member

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    Put on the warm filter with the asteroid terrain
    iTz Longshot likes this.
  18. SaltyKoala

    SaltyKoala Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Multi. Thank you for fixing my map. Dont know wtf I was thinking putting the sci bases on top if mesa Verde. They work much better across from it and the maps gameplay will be much better as a result. <3

    For the middle since wyvern said no, Im thinking of bringing in that crystal from my other map but have it held in a alien artifsxt structure/pod that looks like it was recently opened and that's the reasoning behind the sudden collapse of the "cave". What do you think about that?
    MultiLockOn likes this.
  19. MultiLockOn

    MultiLockOn Ancient
    Forge Critic Banned Senior Member

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    That honestly sounds badass. You could probably make a stellar looking alien pod with Pelican doors.
    SaltyKoala likes this.
  20. MultiLockOn

    MultiLockOn Ancient
    Forge Critic Banned Senior Member

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    I hope everyone here jumps ship to DOOM 4 when it comes out, all the cool kids are.

    Baller ass arena gameplay, with an incredible map editor for pvp AND pve content? And an incredible art style by former Bungie artists? Multiplayer by certain affinity? Why even play halo 5 :p
    Aschur and Xandrith like this.

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