I'd just like to point out that I've achieved WAYWO god status by being the last WAYWO post at THC and the first here (after the OP of course). I am officially the WAYWO Alpha and Omega. All shall bow to me.
Hey guys im in need of help i love to forge but ive always struggled on spawn system and other little things here and there i have tons of great ideas but can never ever get them down onto forge due to lack of experience so idk if anyone would be kind enough to help me out im actually working on a map now if anyone wants to stop by XxSHADOW KAOSxX IS MY GAMERTAG please i would really appreciate the help
Here is a good reference with in depth coverage on spawning courtesy of MrGreenWithAGun. Read up. Forging Halo 4 | indepth articles on forging Halo 4
Also if you are in need of getting it tested, come and sign up for the TCOJ testing lobby of tuesday 16/7/2013. We don't have any restrictions on who can join such as memberships so if you do sign up then leave your GT and I will mssg you before the lobby starts
I don't sign up for lobbies... Sign ups are silly and too difficult to commit to. If I'm on and some one wants to run customs, I'll join if there's space.
Really not on topic here, but the map pack was going to go live within a week. Videos and all completed. We were just waiting for the right day. DOH!
Yeah...that's unfortunate. There was a lot of time spent building and testing those maps. I personally held off on submitting my maps to anything else, just so they would remain eligible. It's not just the forgers that spent a lot of time on it. The judges took time out of their lives, and you too, to work on the videos. It would be nice for all the forgers to find out which maps were actually chosen. Hopefully those maps can still get some recognition, even though it won't happen at THC. I haven't had a chance to discuss it at all with War yet, but perhaps something can be worked out to allow it to be announced on Forgehub. We shall see...
Nope. Sign-ups are so that the people who commit to join can get their maps played in an orderly fashion without having to shout "can i get the lead please" 55 times over everyone else, and then get ignored anyway. What's silly about that?
Yeah, but if you don't have a full lobby and people don't show, why just lock it at that instead of letting people join in? What's so hard about that? Or what's so hard with people just submitting their maps and the host DL's them and runs 'em with or without the forger, although it's encourage that they come. Like seriously, you had a party of 6 at the last one and were sooooooo damned hesitant about letting me and my buddy in. Kinda silly really.
So after wading through a ton of failed designs, I finally got a 1v1. Xiphos, I call it. Have a looksie if you like. (link) It should be out soon.
At Schnitzel, we tried that. It was called the testers guild & it failed horribly. What like about this is that you gotta put out the time & effort to help others when they help you. I'll admit it's hard to plan to get there for me so I've only made it twice but it's harder with wife & children. Man sayin that makes me feel old...
Sorry it was locked and you couldnt get in though, that was a bit of an oversight. Plus when you have an open lobby you get dickheads from recent players joining too
I haven't played with the TCOJ group since forever, but there's always been a group of reserves and if we didn't have enough players we'd gladly let other people join. Well, people who aren't... obstructive.
We did get in for that last game on Chrons map, which was fun. Shame 'bout the goosing that occurred though.
I've been working on some remakes of non-Halo maps. Here they are: Quarry-MW2 HardHat-MW3 Checkout-GoW3 Frozen Dam-KZ3 PLR_High_Tower-TF2 HeloDeck-BLR Blood Gracht-KZ3
Welcome back to ForgeHub. Looks like I'll be posting here since THC has officially closed. Was kind of shocked and not so shocked at THC's end. Thankfully there's always more than one site to communicate with the community.