What Are You Working On?

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by ForgeHub, Jul 12, 2013.

  1. SEspider

    SEspider Forerunner
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    Thanks. I'll look into it the moment I can. Sadly I I need my keyboard and mouse for work. My computer hates it when I disconnect them. It's a entire process to add them back.

    I have a number old original of maps I want to recreate and reimagine for 24 players. And some remakes I've been dying to make since before Forge. I'm a BTB guy. If I can't get in a vehicle, I feel clostophobic.

    I've posted two Halo5 maps a month or so ago. One is a redesign of lockout called Whiteout and another that's a original called LAVA. Neither a BTB map per say. But they are pretty open. My LAVA map has a horror theme and makes me a lite uncomfortable. Had to open the map's top due to childhood PTSD. But I believe it turned out well.

    I want to greatly enlarge LAVA in Infinite, so I can close it in without feeling trapped as I play. lol

    I also have a old Halo Reach map that folks loved, back when it was in PeteTheDuck's Last Forger Standing contest. It's been begging for a proper update and redesign.

    I started a video series called GAMUTY where I post short hudless clips to showcase the beauty in and hard work that goes into making modern games. Clips that anyone can download and use as a screensaver of desktop video backdrop. I'd like to create some custom beauty shots for this series.
    Preacher001 likes this.
  2. SEspider

    SEspider Forerunner
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    To be clear, that last video was film in campaign, months ago. I've yet to create anything worth posting in Infinite's forge.
  3. qrrby

    qrrby Waggly piece of flesh
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    id still suggest picking up a used beater keyboard in the 5$ bin to save yourself hours of work <3
  4. Tom300

    Tom300 Promethean
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    20221113_105127.jpg 20221113_105124.jpg 20221113_105129.jpg Update to my previous post, I've been updating & tinkering away at pieces from Halo 3's Sandbox forge palette. Although, since they aren't exactly 1:1, maybe I should start naming them Zeta's Sandbox pieces?

    I'm also starting to understand to delay myself on moving prefab pieces around on the map. If I hold the L trigger for a bit longer than when I would normally let go, the prefab objects itself won't break apart on me (like it does now if I move the object around to fast & let go of the L trigger right away too).

    Anyways, at this rate I can start building classic 5 chamber maps soon enough with recreating certain pieces already. (Motivation + using recruit controls has really brought me back to forge more comfortably than Halo 5 did)

    CANADIAN ECHO Promethean
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    Two maps done.
    4v4 No Bridge Here and 2v2 Stellar.
    Maps are published.
    Test and message feedback.
    Behemoth likes this.
  6. Preacher001

    Preacher001 Forerunner
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    I know we've got a few people that keep in contact with 343 roaming the halls of Forgehub, is there anyway you can either point me in the direction of who to talk to or heck just pass the message along that their search for maps by rating is fundamentally flawed. They need to set it to not start listing maps until they've reached at a bare of minimum 5 reviews if not 10-20. The maps could still show up in other search options just not search by rating. Right now that list just ends up an endless supply of people rating themselves 5 stars and they stay at the top of the list until someone gets fed up and marks them down.

    On topic I'm slowly trying to work my way into rebuilding my smallest map since it's a great learning tool and the easiest way to convince myself to actually complete a map. Not that most will ever play on it because A) it's tiny and B) I only ever add FFA Slayer to my maps.

    Anyway, the original looked like this:


    Halo 5 looked like this:


    With the new forge being so easy to manipulate I decided to build basic blockouts of both to see the size difference first hand. It's actually quite surprising how much bigger my remake in 5 was. That was largely in part due to the differences in game mechanics.

    I'll probably stick with the overall size and shape of my H5 remake but I'm not sure I've got the patience to make it quite as pretty. I'm considering trying a more worn out steel cargo bay look for infinite. I figure it may be less daunting for an eternally light casual forger like me.

    I would like to say I'm amazed at the stuff people are building in Infinites new forge. I'm barely able to stumble through a blockout of a map I've already made (and remade) and yet people are building monstrous complexes filled with detail and playtest ready. It blows my mind.
    Yeti For Hire and Tom300 like this.
  7. qrrby

    qrrby Waggly piece of flesh
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    Onigashima Blockout
    Aesthetic will eventually be Wano-esque from One Piece
    Supports 1 flag, Slayer, and Oddball
    Plays like butter, but i still need to work on 1 flag spawn weights

    I totally forgot to mute my music too sorry lol
    Preacher001 and Pat Sounds like this.
  8. Preacher001

    Preacher001 Forerunner
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    Has anyone figured out how to thumbnails in infinite yet?

    Apparently I'm too dumb
    Tom300 likes this.
  9. Tom300

    Tom300 Promethean
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    I've been wondering that myself, I've seen a few pop ups in the community file share in the game for some of the prefabs having screenshots, but for the life of me, I don't know how those ppl did it..
    Preacher001 likes this.
  10. ForgedPlague

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  11. leegeorgeton

    leegeorgeton Forerunner
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    Here's a video showing a working spiral tunnel for use in a Cubeskew map I'll be working on. The map that this test hallway is in is not part of the final map, but just a test area to see if the spiral tunnel would work in real time.

    If anyone can help me figure out the scripting, it would be appreciated.

    Need to figure out how to first spawn in a power seed, then how to power the activation switch with the power seed receptacle. Could probably leave the switch out and just have the receptacle activate the tunnel.
  12. qrrby

    qrrby Waggly piece of flesh
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    another day another block out
    i buried my freakin pyramid tho
    Preacher001 likes this.
  13. Preacher001

    Preacher001 Forerunner
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    I'm curious has anyone built maps that actually transform based on game type?

    More 343 than Bungie I find they expect too much from one map. Kind of a jack of all trades master of none type situation but in maps. If you still wanted to reuse a map for multiple game types would it not be better to make alterations of the map to best suit that game type? Even if it was to the point where small sections of map just straight up don't exist. Like maybe in CTF the entire flag base doesn't even exist unless you're playing.

    I'm not saying that it would be to that degree with every map but if a map didn't naturally fit into that format but you wanted to support it anyway would it not be better to alter or open up sections of the map to support it to its best ability? Since I don't fuss with this stuff I have no idea if the new forge even supports this but I know on at least one of the old ones you could set objects to not appear unless the player chose a specific game type.
    leegeorgeton and qrrby like this.
  14. qrrby

    qrrby Waggly piece of flesh
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    I definitely think this forge can handle the proof of concept I had for a map where the ice gradually melts and reveals more pathways
    Preacher001 likes this.
  15. leegeorgeton

    leegeorgeton Forerunner
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    I did what you're talking about in Halo 5 with my Interchange map. Most modes stayed the same, but when the race game type was played, I had some of the architecture spawn in to block entrances to the buildings so vehicles couldn't drive in and had to just stay on the track. I believe Halo Infinite allows you to do the same.
    #35975 leegeorgeton, Nov 18, 2022
    Last edited: Nov 18, 2022
    Preacher001 likes this.
  16. leegeorgeton

    leegeorgeton Forerunner
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    I did what you're talking about in Halo 5 with my Interchange map. Most modes stayed the same, but when the race game type was played, I had some of the architecture spawn in to block entrances to the buildings so vehicles couldn't drive in and had to just stay on the track. I believe Halo Infinite allows you to do the same.
  17. SEspider

    SEspider Forerunner
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    I'm still limited to console and controller, so I will always be slower then everyone else. But with a heavy work load, I'll be slower then normal with this map. I'm still VERY early in the blocking stage. And I have a very long way to go before setting up games, spawns, etc. I hope no one steals this idea. Please Don't.

    The map's currently named "Halo" for obvious reasons, but that will change. I have started rebuilding the second level from Halo 1!! I'm no fool, so I'm putting my little spin on it so that I don't have to make it a exact recreation. I'm making it a little bigger (but not by much) to counter sprint and flying vehicles. I am adding Infinite's aesthetic flair to the design to both modernize it and to bypass some building issues with the terrain pieces.

    The map is indeed going to be HUGE. Or at least as huge and complete as I can make it. My current plan is to at least re-build the level's entire third section. The area after exiting the Forerunner cave. Thus allowing at least 4 isolated base areas.
    1) The Cave Exit
    2) The Rocks
    3) The Waterfall
    4) The Cliff

    I'll tackle the the first and middle sections at another time. But they are planned. In other words, I call DIBS!

    When completed, I want players to be able to take the map and set team spawns and games how they wish. As if it was a legit Halo map. I can already see it being used for Invasion, War Zone, and as a race map. I will be setting up a separate BTB copy where the core bases are the Cliff and the Waterfall. I'll be creating on everything on this map myself and, when ready, release elements as prefabs. INCLUDING entire sections of the map for use on other canvases.

    I have zero preconceptions the map will end up Infinite's playlist. At least not the entire thing. And so that is not my goal here. I simply want to recreate easily one if the best levels in all of Halo's history. When I'm done with this project, I'll move to recreating Silent Cortagrapher. But I expect someone else to beat me to it.

    Feedback is always welcomed. Especially when I have enough completed to worthy a public release. But for now, I'm just blocking out the map and structure prefabs for testing. And before you ask, the answer is yes. The Warthog can drive up the side of the Cliff area's mountain. I spent two hours getting the climb as close to the original game as possible. But with different physics engine, I was unable to prevent players from being able to run up it. They are left exposed doing it, but it is possible on foot. By the way, °54 degrees is the sweet spot for steep angle climbing.

    Rabid Hogs likes this.
  18. Rabid Hogs

    Rabid Hogs Legendary
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    I was inspired by Red Nomster's 2D game and the new scripting options. I thought making PONG would be something people would be interested in and I could base a YouTube video around.
    halo pong thumbnail 0.jpg
    It's 1v1 and works with running it on slayer. I'll have to get around to making a map post, but here's a link for now: https://www.halowaypoint.com/halo-infinite/ugc/maps/f92fc9b2-2fe2-49e0-a667-9eee9a7a4155

    And here's the YouTube video, I cover PONG in the first half.

    There are so many awesome things people are making. This forge is great, and I hope it just gets better.
    Preacher001 and SEspider like this.
  19. Preacher001

    Preacher001 Forerunner
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    Hey Forgehub,

    I do not like what you are working on!!!
    CANADIAN ECHO likes this.
  20. PharmaGangsta1

    PharmaGangsta1 Dr. Deathpit
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    4v4 map I've been working on, inspired by the western air temple from Avatar. Finally at a stage worth sharing but definitely still a lot of detail to be added
    [​IMG] [​IMG]

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