Yeah we didn’t get much sleep with the anxiety of our first flight, then got up at 3:30am to get to the airport and fly out at 6:00am. The we got to NY at 10:00 local time and hit the town all day. I’m a little tired today but not as bad as I thought I would be. We are going down to the World Trade Center memorial/museum and the new tower today. Then Battery Park and Brooklyn Bridge. Then some shopping here and there and enjoying the local food. NY is crazy.
I remember seeing The Wolf of Wall Street on the flight home and stood exactly at the same spot in the Battery Park area were DiCaprio throws cooked lobster from his yacht at the FBI lol.
Rest in peace to Set In Stone. I was really looking forward to submitting this alongside Node To Joy for the contest. On the topic of the Coronavirus: It’s not something that should be taken lightly. It has an incubation period of up to three weeks where you can be asymptomatic and still contagious. It spreads extremely fast, and apparently around 15% are hospitalized for respiratory issues. So, while it may not be a death sentence for everyone, preventable deaths will occur if we aren’t responsible about this. It also isn’t simply a matter of fatalities directly caused by it, but the ripple effects on the world economy and infrastructure. You can see how hard it has hit China, Italy, Iran, Japan, and South Korea. We need to take it seriously and learn from these instances.
If it wasn't created In a lab it's just the Earth's white blood cells at work, and it's a beautiful thing. What's ugly is the amount of fear mongering and panic that's coming from it. The most fearful thing is fear itself. The global elite (world bankers)are using it to there benefit,as they only benefit from economic collapse. If people would go on living as they always have there would be little to fear. I think we should shut down all sporting events and all businesses in the future because "Nearly 1.25 million people die in road crashes each year, on average 3,287 deaths a day. An additional 20-50 million are injured or disabled. More than half of all road traffic deaths occur among young adults ages 15-44." Clearly automobiles are a growing threat to humanity and we need to reduce there use (which we actually do lol) so let's cancel everything that requires the use of automobiles. Sure they may have a lower % death rate, but they are more widespread then the Virus and spread much quicker thanks to the industry and crafty car salesmen. They are also extremely hard to recover from, once you start using one you will likely use it your entire life. Yup that sounds logical.
My wife thinks China DID create it in a lab for population control. Since it is mainly killing old people or people with weak immune systems due to underlying conditions, and that it just got a little more out of hand then they planned. I think you would get along with her lol. She believes a lot of the “conspiracy” or “secret society” stuff I see you talking about all the time.
"If people would go on living as they always have there would be little to fear." I don't think you have any clue what you are talking about. Do you have any idea how fast this thing can spread? Without measures and rules (and far more sick people) this could be catastrophic for the treatment at hospitals, for the medical staff and all other regular healthcare patients. You can't stop this on short notice, just trying to control it is all that's left. I was skeptical about the panic at first but it's really blowing up now and after hearing some experts and virologists I think it will be here for months and months to come. We have about 800+ cases here with 10 deaths in roughly 2 weeks.
You don’t have to be an expert in the field to be informed. It’s kind of insane to see people that are still downplaying it, when we can see the effects of it in other countries. All we can do is be glad they aren’t the ones pulling the strings. This is the biggest threat since the Spanish Flu, and people don’t care because they haven’t been directly impacted yet.
Or misinformed and us not know due to potential ignorance and then just reiterate what the media says. From an outside stand point im looking at statistics only and even that is not completely correct I’m sure. I think people want this to be bigger than it is. People are dying every year from the flu as well. What makes this worse than the flu? Seems to me a lot of Coronavirus cases people are recovering just fine. I have family members in the medical field as well as my girlfriend and they are saying the media is blowing this out of proportion.
It's worse than the flu because it's a new virus. Nobody has antibodies, it spreads fast, there is no vaccin and the death rate is way higher. It's really hard to predict how this will develop, but it will not be gone very soon. I don't know anymore then the next guy but it's clearly not as easy as some ordinary flu season. I know very little on how the American media is covering this but we'll see how crazy **** can get the next few weeks.
Most of the media is going nuts but several medical professionals have said its being blown way out of proportion then other media just bash them for saying that. Like I am so sick of seeing trumps name and Coronavirus in the same headline. How ridiculous it is that they twist everything they can around to bash Trump lol. And man, do people in New York hate Trump lol. I felt like putting on a MAGA hat but I feel like my Texas Rangers hat was enough haha. Being a white republican in NY is apparently not ideal.
I'm not downplaying the economic effects, but the health effects are absolutely being blown out of proportion. It mainly effects the elderly and those with underlying health issues, unlike the flu which is more dangerous to the young. I do think slowing it's spread is a good thing, that way less people are sick at once, but the most damage that is going to come of this is economic and it's actual health threats are being falsely inflated by the "world banker" owned media as the world bankers are the ones set to profit from the world panic. Heart Disease in the United States About 647,000 Americans die from heart disease each year—that's 1 in every 4 deaths. Heart disease costs the United States about $219 billion each year from 2014 to 2015 Shld we ban all McDonald's and all travel to McDonald's? What about the 1.29 MILLION people that die from car accidents every year!? Shld we suspend all auto travel? It disgusts me that people buy into this fear mongering ****, it only spreads more fear and causes more issues. Yes, take health precautions but unless your 70+ or are in terrible health it's no more dangerous then the common cold.
I would suggest to read Italy's reports, interviews, etc. to have a real grasp of the situation. I'm italian if you remember.
"The flu" is hundreds if not thousands of viruses that have occurred in the past and for the most part we have created a natural defense for them, the coronavirus is just one flu virus and it's new so we have no specific preexisting natural defense. It's done this much damage while barely touching the population. There is no established cure or vaccination. There is little point in panic but you absolutely should respect this virus, and take real precautions. When multi billion dollar industries shutter their doors even temporarily, that should give you pause.