Nah, he just ignored a lobby full of feedback and pushed his map cuz he wanted to feel special. Remembering that triggerd me. But really, I'm just a ****. Also, this has been discussed ad nauseum. You need multiple Gold accounts. That's currently and likely the only solution.
I was specifically asked to make that map. When i later decided to drop development i was asked again by 343i to continue development. This has absolutely nothing to do with "my" maps. I have made commitments to builders and communities to maintain a very full compliment of maps and templates across all games. I also maintain the originals of several MM maps by retired builders (other than just Schnitzel). I have committed to provide up to date downloadable links of every League Grifball court ever made. If you think i do this as a vanity project you can chew on my crusty old ****. Also, U.
Ech hem Ignoring that and moving forward: [In theory] If you create an account and pay $1 for a month of gold, and populate the fileshare just before the move it should be enough to get the map transfer started. Once the maps have officially been moved you may need to log in once to complete the transfer which should potentially be able to be done by loading up a 2 day gold pass. [/In theory] Only 343 will know for sure so if you've got them inside sources then please use them and let us know. Also, not really sure if we'll get the whole 24 slots on new Reach accounts. If anyone who's tried could let us know that'd be fantabulous.
If anyone plans on hording over core/competitive maps tell me so I can list off what I already have uploaded to make your life a little easier.
This is what i will do with all 9 accounts. The main hurdle is to get the maps into the file grinder. I can figure out what to do with them later, once the files become available. I'll try it one 1 account and get back to you on the size of Reach File Share.
When forgehub gets too boring I literally **** talk for the sake of **** talking. To stir the pot, to add a bit of spice. To ruffle feathers, and get panties in a bunch. Fileshares! What are we gonna do about fileshares?! Omg there isn't enough space in my fileshares! I tried to get silver but it wouldn't let me use my fileshare! That **** was getting old. My apologies to anyone who got butthurt from my post. @NOKYARD On the the mentality of " I dId iT BeCaUsE 3fOuR3 AsKeD" This is a toxic mentality to hold. Those who hold weight and influence with 343i need to be better then this. It's not okay, and it's caused some pretty terrible content to make it into MM. People want to gain 343i favor, so they do what their told like little errand boys instead of having self-respect. We need people in these positions to tell 343i NO when they push for garbage maps in MM or other terrible descions. Following along and playing every tune they ask you to belt, comes at the expensive of the community. Look what happened with ORION and PEGASUS and the BTB playlist. Now nokyard, I'm not just pointing at you. I do recognize what you've done for this community, way more then I've ever done , and so much of it has come from your unpaid hardwork and dedication. We can thank you for so many things, so I don't want you to think I'm ignoring what good you have done.
Dude, i come here EXPECTING to be beat upon. Helps keep me honest to hear the unvarnished truth. I think you are over estimating the weight and influence i have with 343i. Every task (usually playlist building) i am involved with require very different levels of involvement, and i've learned to keep my opinions within a very narrow spec. For playlists like the two Anniversary 'Throwback' offerings, i was in complete control of map research, selection, and deployment (i spent months scouring the file shares of anyone who has ever built a remake). For Mythic, i keep my face out of any conversations relating to maps and only help with scripting and other technical details. In most, like BTB Refresh, i simply do what is asked of me, leaving the decisions (including listening & responding to feedback) to those in charge.
Why? This is not an apology. Singling you out Salty to point to the bigger picture, that this attitude nurtures a community where this statement happens: Really? That's what Forghub has to offer? Can't we give honesty and truth without beating it into people? Yes there are exceptions, there always are, but it doesn't have to be the norm or the expected.