Should I keep the mountain in the center accessible or should I block it off? Personally I think it would be better if it is accessible but I feel like it could cause some gameplay problems. I'll probably take the very top of the mountain off because it is kind of pointless as far as gameplay goes. But first I just want to hear feedback on it.
Is this BTB? I prefer to let my players access all of my BTB island. It's for their fun if they can utilize it.
Yeah it's btb. I agree I was thinking it should be accessible, just wanted to make sure y'all agreed.
This isn't a map. Its a massive empty terrain circle around a massive rock. Im now convinced you are a troll. Multi, is that you? Your making my soul bleed please stoppppp
If some hardcore honest feedback scares you, you aren't cut out to be forging multiplayer maps in the first place.
I agree. But maybe not in the 'inside joke' category, people can take it the wrong way if the don't venture out here that much. "This isn't a map" sure didn't sounded like feedback imo. Hey man **** it, site is dead anyway.
Yeah I'm just trying to forge my remaining few ideas. At this point im pretty sure 343 isn't adding any maps to halo 5 playlists anyway. Apprehension and Hotzone will probably be my last maps of the year, possibly of halo 5. Just hope Halo Infinite improves forge even more especially with lighting.
I'll celebrate if Infinite just takes Halo 5's forge but removes the glitches and various lighting issues.
Then why did you bother asking if you shld make the center playable? Maps are closed systems that are a sum of there parts, how can I or anyone here evaluate wether or not making the center playable is a positive or negative when there is literally no map to use as a basis for determining that?? I love my food references so I'll give another. If I posted a picture of two slices of white bread and then asked hey, shld I put pepper in the middle or no pepper? I'm not sure which one would make the sandwich taste better... What would your response be? Two pieces of bread is not a sandwich, likewise a giant empty terrain circle is not a map. Give us an image of an actual map and you might get better feedback.
I've thought about making this many times, but couldn't figure out how to make it flow without a bunch of man cannons and teleporters. I really hope the new forge options allow us to create these types of skyboxes.
Jokes on you. Pepper makes any sandwich better unless its pb and j. If only it was multi (insert sadface here)
Halo 5 is very late in its lifespan so mostly theres only experienced forgers here that have spent years already discussing and dissecting forge skill and level design just for halo 5 alone. The things that have been manipulated and limits pushed have been stacking exponentially over the course of years of discussion that cant be summed up for a new forger even in some type of forge wiki. What knowledge and wisdom skilled forgers have came from long arguments and discussion all over the forums, discords and XBL parties from the smallest details and concepts to competitions and actual playtime and feedback. I think the point of this post is to say to that people still active here have wisdom and wisdom cant be taught. Its not that salty is being an elitist its just easier to say "your map sucks and i could never explain why in a reasonable timeframe, you just have to find out for yourself because ive already been through this a hundred times." You all know damn well youre thinking the same thing as him when you see a new forgers posts but everyones too scared to be frank. I commend both those who care enough to spend time teaching and those who are real about it but otherwise people will be short about this stuff until infinite drops. You want to be a good forger? Then come back when infinite drops and stick around the whole time. Thats when we all learn, laugh, cry and *** together. By the way the 11th metal is still a thing thats happening... ive just got so much stuff going on.
Good point, I'm planning to test the map this weekend so I'll see how it plays with the center mountain accessible. As for the map, I will post updated screenshots tonight or tomorrow. Yeah I overreacted, the other day I thought you were just trying to be a **** when you said "this isnt a map". My bad