What Are You Working On?

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by ForgeHub, Jul 12, 2013.

  1. MartianMallCop

    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Aight neeeerd. As soon as I finish finals, I'll 1v1 you
    Soldat Du Christ likes this.
  2. ZombieDyer

    ZombieDyer Legendary

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    Wow, I'm speechless.. um, I'd like to thank my family and friends for supporting me and my work and to GrayishPoppy210 for this prestigious award! Thank you.
    GrayishPoppy210 likes this.
  3. GrayishPoppy210

    GrayishPoppy210 Legendary
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    Did you just reply to something from like, literally 200 pages ago? WTF
  4. TheLunarRaptor

    TheLunarRaptor Legendary
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    So we are replying to old posts now? Cool ill start.

    Wow that would be really epic!
  5. ZombieDyer

    ZombieDyer Legendary

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  6. ExTerrestr1al

    ExTerrestr1al Promethean
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    @ExtraSpicyMemes I remember a while back you mentioned that you believed some scripts fail to run when you go high budget with your map pieces. I think I am closer to corroborating that assertion...

    It appears that when you have a high-budget (in my example around 1450) map and scripted pieces, some scripts may be too far down the chain to run 100% of the time. There appear to be times when the game loses out on checking every piece every 1/60th of a second (frame/tick etc.) for scripts that should run, and needs to quit the checking before it gets to the pieces you have just scripted. **EDIT: Also, it seems that once it has taken this step of aborting scripting on those pieces, they will not happen again until you reset map or reload the match.

    That is, it apperas that pieces placed later are more prone to this, than pieces placed earlier. Some research and trouble shooting I've done over the past couple months has revealed similar things, so this seems very likely t obe accurate, though not proven (yet).

    It may be possible to disable scripts on non-scripted pieces to shorten the list of items it needs to check ever ytick. Otherwise, another solution may be to delete and then replace large sections of your map, wherever not-too-painful to do so, so that your later placed pieces such as those scripted items, will be read higher up in the list of IDs of pieces in the database table (or similar). (In other words, if you have only five pieces that fail in this manner, make sure you at least delete five pieces from your map and replace them to bump these pieces up the list at least that min amount)

    I am going to be testing cuz I now have a large, broken map and I'm pissed about it!
    #32946 ExTerrestr1al, Nov 16, 2018
    Last edited: Nov 16, 2018
  7. Soldat Du Christ

    Soldat Du Christ Legendary
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    5 years ago, especialy relevant today
  8. xzamplez

    xzamplez Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Its been that way since the MLGpro forums. And ever since we migrated to Forgehub, we have gone through these phases of having to explain it to newer community members and over zealous staff. We’ll see how long it takes for the cycle to continue for Halo Infinite.
  9. TheLunarRaptor

    TheLunarRaptor Legendary
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    There are a lot of inconsistancies amongst scripts, I took the elevator I made with smooth scripting as a prefab and slapped it down on a different map and it worked perfectly....

    The game is just too frustrating to work with if you want to utilize everything you can.

    Hell message scripts outright ignore commands almost everytime you use them so you have to find other creative ways to do things (power set scripts, labels, etc.).

    While smooth scripting is cool, it overloads the map (permanantly in one of my maps cases), it was one of the reasons I stopped forging for very long periods of time, it actually broke infection all together on said map and last man standing markers do not appear, even deleting pieces does not help bring it back...

    Ive done a lot of personal research into breaking scripts (without actually doing them wrong) and its kind of insane how innaccurate the budget limits are, they should be much, much lower for what the game can actually handle smoothly.

    I find physics based movement takes the biggest toll on maps, while smooth rotation is nice and all if you want to go above say 1350 budget you can forget about it...

    What I find odd is maps overloading or corrupting, I have since deleted the file but I have a map where infection is downright broken no matter what (0 budget, 0 scripts).

    Basically Halo 5 scripting is too frustrating and I am saving any future effort/experimenting on Halo Infinite.

    It is cool to see your concepts and whatnot show up though, I can tell it takes a lot of effort and I am sure you can relate to the whole "finding a bunch of different ways to do the exact same thing because the thing that should work does not" situations.
    II SEGA USA II and ExTerrestr1al like this.
  10. qrrby

    qrrby Waggly piece of flesh
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    Didn't you forget about that cycle plenty of times too?

    Let's see how many times it takes for you to get it :p

    Also, hi waywo! It's been a waywhile
  11. ExTerrestr1al

    ExTerrestr1al Promethean
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    well said. Yes, it is at the limits where things fall apart. what most people don't do, is try to push multiple limits, or new categories of limits they didn't necessarily build into the UI.

    there is a newer smooth linear motion technique that I haven't really written about outside of discord yet, so it is very possible that performance could be much better.

    I have also run into the limit of #pieces involved in a "chase-the-rabbit" style of motion. The game definitely gives up on trying to figure out what position pieces are in if you have too many moving in that way, or if you rotate too many using a new phased technique. But, both of those show that the game cannot keep track of the relative positions of moving pieces to other moving pieces, to a point. However, the afore-mentioned newer linear technique does not, so far, have this problem at all. It is 100% smooth, 100% of the time, and can move hundreds of pieces simultaneously...

    maybe I should get around to writing a paper on it.
    II SEGA USA II likes this.
  12. Goat

    Goat Rock Paper Scissors Scrap
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    This is some concept art I am working on for my next scrap. Yes it's a castle.
    #32952 Goat, Nov 18, 2018
    Last edited: Nov 18, 2018
  13. ExTerrestr1al

    ExTerrestr1al Promethean
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    Cant wait to not see it!
  14. Goat

    Goat Rock Paper Scissors Scrap
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    You'll see it in stunning 40FPS
  15. Soldat Du Christ

    Soldat Du Christ Legendary
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    II SEGA USA II Spartan III

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  17. MythicFritz

    MythicFritz Halo 3 Era
    Creative Force

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    To clarify, you're suggesting that the 100% point on the budget scales should be lower, not that limits should be capped lower?
    GrayishPoppy210 likes this.
  18. TheLunarRaptor

    TheLunarRaptor Legendary
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    neither actually, but even with the current budget people find other ways to do the same scripts without them breaking using other methods.. The budgets are just strange, some scripts seem to take a lot out of the games resources yet dont take the budget they would.

    The budget would have to be dynamic and change based off the actual strain the game is dealing with.

    If you placed 1600 simple blocks the game wont care and load fine, but if its varied with a lot of polygon count or you have physics based movement going on the game faces way more strain than usual and chokes hard.

    I should have been more clear, the budget should be dyanmic and be based off what the games overall load is.

    A smaller budget would be an unfair limit that would limit some creations (especially purely aesthetic ones) signifigantly.

    I just want to know where I stand with the actual overall load on the game.
    icyhotspartin and II SEGA USA II like this.
  19. MythicFritz

    MythicFritz Halo 3 Era
    Creative Force

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    I get what you mean but i don't think adjusting budgets is the fix. Getting object/budget caps increased was something highly requested for all past iterations of forge. Like you mentioned, caps had greatly hindered a lot of projects.

    What I think would be helpful is if the consumed percentages of the budget were more accurately reflected in their various meters. Like you said knowing where we stand, it is a bit unclear still. And I'd say that even with the budget meters my approach is still to build until something breaks and then step back. It would be nice to know how close we get to the limits before we cross them. I would be surprised if we didn't see some improvement or even more tools for H6. Like a real time framerate meter for example @Randy 355 ;);)

    I imagine you deal a bit more with compounding of the various budget categories more than most builders and I wonder if the meters take in account for where the other categories are at.
  20. ExTerrestr1al

    ExTerrestr1al Promethean
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    guys, I have isolated the problem that started this conversation, and it is sort of half-way what I though it was.

    Long story short, you can break the scripting of any map if you have too many scripts running simultaneously AND using a big map, and it may be more specifically isolated to many scripts running at once that use WAIT actions and worse if they are overlapping.

    Here was my culprit, which I THINK is gone now... (this was old, bad design, and more efficient now)

    Four pieces, each had Three scripts, which were all identical (should have been labelled are scripted to move remotely)
    Each one, on Msg Receive
    SPawn/Wait (depending on which specific script)
    reset position
    Despawn (final script)

    SO, it went 1,2,3 through them, each having a different wait command. That means there were 12 scripts firing at same time, but what is more important, is that they all started via the same Msg Receive and then ran simultaneously, waiting layered on top of each other.

    I think this tripped something inside the game that is a failsafe for bad code, which cauese the game to "give up" on an object or script.

    What I saw was literally scripts stopping part-way and not having any actual scripted cause (Troubleshooted the heck out of it, believe me, there was nothing interfering in an obvious way)

    The asthetic scripted item that is scripted above, was the cause of other unrelated, unconnected scripted items failing to either change color or despawn!

    I have seen something similar with too many pieces moving relative to one another (i.e., rotation in a complex group or with chasers/leaders) The game appears to only be able to recalculate the relative positions of so many pieces, and then it just quits. Those pieces may not only appear in the wrong place, but stop entirely or go off on their own entirely. If you reduce the #pieces, it works perfectly.

    @ExtraSpicyMemes the take-away here is that there very likely is something about your maps that the game didn't like (duh), and we might be able to troubleshoot what that is, by dissecting it piece by piece. I am glad I just put forth the effort into this, because I just saved my map and my sanity.

    But alas, I got my cannon revised desig nworking!! (It used to be 5 lightning strikes as the explosion)
    #32960 ExTerrestr1al, Nov 19, 2018
    Last edited: Nov 20, 2018
    MythicFritz and TheLunarRaptor like this.

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