Just posting some progress pictures of my map "Hydra," a 4v4 underwater temple arena built for Slayer, CTF, and Oddball. I have a feeling gameplay will be a little hectic given the numerous pathways connecting the left and right side of the map to the center, not to mention the multi-level nature of the map provides a lot of opportunities for vertical confrontation. Hopefully that won't have a negative impact on gameplay, but I guess we'll see what happens during its first playtest. For those wondering about the weapon selection, Weapons/powerups on the map include: Rocket Launcher x1 (1 spare clip, 180 second respawn time) Sniper Rifle x2 (1 spare clip, 90 second respawn time, On Disturbance) Shotgun x2 (60 second respawn time, On Disturbance) Battle Rifle x4 (20 second respawn time, On Disturbance) Recon DMR x2 (30 second respawn time, On Disturbance) SMG x2 (20 second respawn time, On Disturbance) Needler x1 (10 second respawn time, Death/Deletion) Plasma Pistol X1 (10 second respawn time, Death/Deletion) Damage Boost x1(120 second respawn time, Death/Deletion) If anyone wants to help me playtest this map or give feedback on the map, be sure to shoot me a message on XBL @ ShockTrooper85 or here on Forgehub and I'll get back to you shortly. Blue Sub Floor Red Cave - Upper Platform Top Mid
Wrong. The speculation was obviously designed into the map/skins/seasons/events. We can argue about whether or not that counts as a complete story, but calling it illegitimate hype is asinine.
What. Epic has literally said there's a story. I don't know what you searched but it's pretty common knowledge lol season 3 - 4 - 5 have all linked into each other continuously, it's not even some hidden speculative thing.
Things happen and the assets change - there’s no actual story. There may be a ‘natural history’, but everything is implied and designed (like you said) to make players read into it and create their own story, which has nothing to do with the actual gameplay (except maybe the rifts which seem to be related to the skins - that’s not a story, that’s just characters that you cosplay as)
So youre defining the progression of events and "natural history" as something that's not story. I mean I get what you're saying, it's not like it's The Last of Us, but there's definitely something happening and it's really cool to watch it evolve and unfold. Most people would call that a story, or as much of one as you can have in a BR game.
The rifts are related to world events, which is the story. The skins are just additional reflections of world events. To be sure, the fable of Fortnite is lacking, but again, it's not all illegitimate hype. That's a stupid thing to say. It's like when you don't hide behind convoluted and intentionally delayed conclusions, your opinions reveal themselves as ordinarily nonsensical I would also like to point out that the best examples of storytelling allow for a healthy amount of player/viewer/reader interpretation, and by no means does this breathing room detract from the integrity of a story. In fact, it does the opposite. I'm sure you'll agree by making some obscure reference that you know nobody will relate to, or by posting a screenshot from a book you just happen to be reading, but I digress. Let's move on instead.
Yo, @MultiLockOn, is your map in the BLOPS 4 beta? I swear if it's not Hacienda imma come over give you a wag of the finger! *tsk* *tsk*
Only part??? Wtf is happening? I'm of the Confusion teachings. P.S. This job I just got is refusing to tell me my first day lol nagging shall ensue. And my map will give you the beans
Yeah basically - but obviously because people might call it one does not really make it one; the environment suggests that a story could take place, which is exactly the point, it keeps people thinking about the game, predicting the environmental changes, and makes them learn something news every season - but there is no actual story to the multiplayer section, just the sort of “shared” universe idea applied to the Star Wars school of self-generated and extended-universe lore. If they wove an actual story mode into the multiplayer, that would be really interesting, and I have some idea how they could do it, but so far that hasn’t happened, and most certainly isn’t tied to choices that players make... What delayed conclusions are you talking about? I already stated my conclusion, I'm just responding to your statements with whatever reasoning I was using to make the statement that started this chain// Sure, yeah - the best examples of storytelling do make the reader/listener engage with the story on their own, but with Fortnite the'story' is more of a group easter-egg hunt to solve the season's mystery, like an ARG applied to a BR = which is revolutionary in its own right = but there is no story - no fable, no choices, no values involved. It is all phenomena. That's not to say there won't be! But there isn't right now. Took this last night / /