Yesterday I made a Demi-Medi salad with portobellos, olives, pepperoncinis, tomatos, and Goat cheese tossed in garlic oil.
Man Qrrby enough with the food. You’re getting as bad as shock posting what he’s working on. There’s a time and place for those topics and the waywo isn’t it.
Update on Revised Worthy: After hearing a testing lobby call Sweet Spot crazy, I feel compelled to make this. Six floors, three tele lines, and significant overlap.
how to make chicken soup. throw a whole bird in some water and cook that ****. Once the bird is done. Take it out and pick the meat off the bones. Throw the bones back in and cook even longer. Take bones out and put the meet back in. done. That thread can burn in hell.
I was just kidding guys I like food. In a food related note this is my last year in one paragraph: At 6’1” and 245 lbs we start a 3 month weight loss challenge at work. Pitch in $50 each and winner takes all. I win by losing 50lbs in 3 months. All the way to 195lbs. 6 months after we finish they want to do it again. I weigh in at 225 this time, gained 30 lbs in 6 months. 3 months later I win again by finishing at 192. So in short, get fat and skinny and you too can make over $600 lol.
that is a life where the truth is still avoided at all costs - same side of the coin, with two different treatments if you qualify the second one by adding "because you seek the truth", then that's a proper opposite
In my context, I mean that I don't worry because I trust that I'll either succeed or fail. There is no in-between, and I'll either be able to handle the ramifications or I won't. Its a lot different from not caring about the problems, which is what people usually think of when they hear Hakuna Matata (in my experience)