Could I get some feedback (if any) for my map? I have made changes but I haven't had any feedback on the changes yet so far. the map is Illadris 1.2 on my fileshare if you care to gander.
My next map is going to be A) amazing looking B) 75% done C) put on the back burner D) scrapped E) all of the above
One of these days, I would like to do a co forge and help you to finish a map. I feel as a forger and designer, You could be one of the most amazing map creators that the halo community has seen as the potential for you could be limitless. I wish to foster that potential.
I dunno about "amazing", but I appreciate the encouragement. I'm probably the worst person to co forge with though because the smallest thing can put me off of a design. That's no fun for anyone, especially me. It's disheartening to put 30 hours into a map, realize 29 hours into it that I don't like it, and then spend the last one being upset with myself before moving onto something else and repeating the cycle. I wish I was able to see the things I would end up disliking sooner, or rather see what I wanted out of it more clearly without putting so much time into it. All you guys are making amazing stuff already so I don't want to sit and say I'm too ambitious for Forge. Just want to make cool **** and it ain't happening. Think I just need to hear more critical feedback earlier on. It's getting to the point where I'm going to hire someone whose sole job will be to tell me "this idea sucks, try something else."
Yeah, now that he had to go through & optimize piece usage to build his own, he can swap it out & say he did it for nothing, bitter sweet. I just need to drop spawn my power weapons & then add whatever details to aesthetics that my budgets will afford me & I will be posting both of my 2v2s.
I will forever be the greatest bad map maker of all time. I know Xandrith and GOAT are gunning for it but no one will ever surpass the amount bad I have put together through the years. Yes I am an ass chunk but xandrith just set me up to nicely to troll. APK I am stealing your title. War or chunk make my title the greatest forger alive as well.
Maybe my problem is that I don't make bad maps, because if I "finished" everything I made, I'd have a bunch of maps and most would be awful.
Underrated post. If you guys want the ability to constantly be within reach of people who are testing and are down to test maps then join this ASAP.