Just remember that there are decent assets in this game and they gave us detailed blocks and kindergarten ramps instead.
I'm getting on at 8AM and what do I see? All you dawgs in one party playing Reach. What year do we have?
DUDE BTB was the goat i used to stay up every night running a full squed in H3. Yes, squed, because we lost half the games. Those 15 minute objective matches decided in overtime - so good. Meanwhile in Halo 5
Do you guys ever just sit down to forge a new idea, but your hands just cant lay down what your brain is envisioning? It's like 12 AM, and no matter what, something is wrong or off, or you cant even get started... Then you get disappointed and bored and go out for a smoke and get side tracked. You remember this is one of the only nights in the week you have off from work/girlfriend/family and time is precious, and you're wasting it. It's already 2 AM. So you think logically. How can I make this work? Where do I start? Then it hits you. It all makes sense and you think you've made a mental breakthrough. You run to your Xbox and get started and...nothing. It all goes blank again. You stare at a blank canvas. Something is still off. Nothing done, no progress. A night wasted. It's 5:30. I'm going to bed.
You're weird dude. If you can't forge your ideas it's time to move on, do other things and come back later.
Usually if I have an idea I draw it a few times before I go into forge. I always carry a small notepad I can fit in my pocket and a pen wherever I go.The first layout I keep it as basic as possible adding more detail as I go to the next drawing. It definitely help me visualize designs in steps so I dont overwhelm myself and get nothing done. Like you I probably only have one actual day a week to accomplish anything substantial.
Jeez you guys need more time for yourself man. But I do to put ideas in my phone. If I have a theme in mind I can't possibly remember all the details I need to put in. Or when you're someplace else and your mind wanders a bit, you can write it down.
July 30th 2018 The community actually offered solid non 1uping advice to a member on the wayo today Hell has finally frozen over.
@WeedCough Uninstall Halo 5 everyone's maps are better than yours and all your opinions are objectively wrong. Ahh now all is right and balanced in the waywo universe.
It just takes time. Procedural creativity is something that very, very few people are capable of. If you're really inspired but you still can't make something, then I suggest sketching, and I don't mean top-downs, I mean portraits and landscapes. Also, just as general advice, its always useful to keep in mind the original vision that inspired you. It will inevitably make your work feel more like a package, a single brushstroke, and less like a puzzle of pieces that you forced together. This might be a little off topic, but that's my goal at the moment. I haven't really even been thinking about the layout of my next real project because I feel like that part will just come IF the foundation of my vision is solid. It's hard to explain, but the best analogy I could use would be songwriting of any kind. If you have a good enough idea and mull over it enough, the process of following through with its creation is almost trivial. It's like the music writes itself at that point, like "ah yes, it couldn't have been any other note" Level design is a little different though, because you can't be truly creative if you don't understand level design to a point that you know how and why things work and don't work. In music, we have an expansive set of guidelines called music theory. We don't have anything of the sort for level design, although I definitely think we could. Music is probably the most subjective form of art, and there is still a massive rule book. There's no reason to think that there couldn't be or isn't such a thing yet to he discovered for level design. So, as it stands, we all have to come to understand "level theory" on our own before we can take off into some crazy realm, which takes a really long time and a lot of trial and error. Fortunately, the instant someone sets an exceptional example for the multiplayer industry, developers and amateurs alike won't have a choice but to follow suit, lest they inevitably fall behind.
I redid the entire building on the square map - no more Qing Dynasty or McPlayPlace, I’ll post a pic soon
Adding to what I said earlier about creativity - true creativity is intentional, and the only way to be intentionally creative is to understand the rules before you break them. Otherwise, anything new could be called creative, which would suck the life out of the words meaning and purpose. You could set up an algorithm to write songs completely randomly, and according to probabilities, you would eventually get Beethovens Symphony No. 9. Ignoring the fact that this music already exists, would this creation qualify as creative? I don't think it would, because creativity requires a creator, which implies an intention. If I accidentally make something unique, it's just that. An accident. That's why I don't actually think that newer people who make "creative" maps are actually doing ****. They don't understand even the basics of design, so how could they truly venture out into the unknown territory of it? It's either random (unintentional) or the map in question just looks unique, and aesthetics are an entire discussion of their own. TL/DR: You can create creative things, but that doesn't make the creator creative. Only intention and competence can account for genuine creativity as an attribute.
Of course I sketch layouts, top downs and structures. Still doesn't help. I should be more specific. I just said forge to relate it to you guys, I'm actually struggling to start my Far Cry 5 solo map. It's set on a big rural peninsula. The scale of the project is something I've never attempted before and it's been hard to find a starting point.
I'm not sure if it will help but Bungie made a lot of vi docs for Halo 3 I specifically remember one video that explained how the went about making campaign levels start to finish