I saw and played Soldats map last night and it's clearly the most impressive map aesthetically and logically that I've seen in H5 so far. It actually is a game changer for key maps and the top forgers have clearly been running a community effort on it. I know you guys are actually just trolling everyone on waywo with this fake beef now but props for taking it this far. I just don't appreciate that you let me get all serious on you Jesse because I was legit concerned with your mental state when I made that long post. Now I find out it's all a game? Ok
I don't know what Soldat has been telling you, but this isn't fake beef at all. It's not like we all hate each-other, but it's not like we're all just trolling either. Also, again, I don't know what Soldat has told you, but neither Multi, myself, Given, Goat, Salty, or anyone else I can think of have even seen his map or talked to him about it. It sounds like he's either lying through his teeth about this whole situation, or he's actually convinced himself that we're all just friends joking around. I don't know which is more concerning. So I should ask, why do you think his map is a community effort? It's not. If he's told you otherwise, it's a lie.
He tried to tell me that he made it on his own but I know for damn sure he had help. I've only been off halo for two months and I know his forge skill. This map isn't a one person job. Sorry if I'm ruining some big secret scandal you guys are playing on waywo but you could of let me in on it too.
oh so it's just you being stupid also, I looked at your theatre history and even your alt accounts theatre history, and the only think you played I han't seen before was some round 1v1 map. So unless you have an alt alt account, you didn't look at his map
..... No one here is helping him lmao there's no scandal. He's actually just an egomaniac manic douche. If it looks like he hasn't made it, it's probably because he didn't. All his stuff in the past have just been chunks of my maps prefabbed into his. I hope you're not talking about his Roundhouse_wip map
this isn't even remotely amusing anymore. in fact, it's incredibly disappointing and i think we're reaching a point where even if the map is the greatest thing, is anybody going to care? you only know what you know , and you don't know half the **** i do to push the engine in this game to get the atmosphere i want. and design wise, i've never heard anyone break the game down to the extent multi has. salty is still the king of clean and nobody knows shooters as well as seth. i could go on but the point is that the only way you learn is by opening your mind and integrating with others. even when you don't agree, there is something to take away from those moments. there are things i do on my maps only because i know how other people think. surrounding yourself with others who challenge you is how you become the best, but as soon as you feel the need to copy or even compare, you've already fallen behind. of course, we'd all love to actually help, but there's only so much you can learn when your head is full of hot air.
**** man, this is a conspiracy. stoldat must reveal his grand masterpiece in order to solve this dilemma.