I pretty much agree with this statement. Other than this. Its called Slayer, not stay alive. Thats called Zombies where they objective is to stay alive. The point is to kill the other team...Now it is SUPER Important to have Balance and to promote FAIR GAMEPLAY. I used extremes in my example to get a major point across in the discussion of Objective vs Subjective. I agree that a healthy balanace is better and In my subjective answer. I said that the kills in lockout have more meaning which is a objective truth, the kills do matter more. Also when I talk to new players I tell them to try and stay alive more than getting kills because of a learning curve. But someone who went 0kills 0deaths vs 1kill 0death the better player is the one who got the kills because its about killing not staying alive. So the balance is to promote both. So as a designer the truth is to find a way to met the objective end with the most fair and integral way possible. Which is why we can say Octogon isnt the best map. Because its just testing the aiming skill and no movement or mental.
I mean it though, waywo. Get to work on those OG forge maps. I'm counting on you to come together and show me that you won't take no for an answer. SHOW me that your passion and talent is enough to turn the tides of war. Let's all come together for this one.
**** this game I deliberately kept my piece count below 1200 this time and only used about 15 lights... and I STILL have massive framedrops - at least it's kinda pretty
I read in a boardgames class in high school that this guy said something like: "A timeless game is easy to learn, but difficult to master." If you believe that this is true, then the timelessness of a game can be objectively measured by how easy it is to learn, and how difficult it is to master ("this game is difficult to learn, even though it's still fun, so it is worse than another game that is easy to learn, and otherwise identical"). This also assumes there are accurate tools for measuring these metrics. BUT, your assessment only makes sense if you believe that it is true that a timeless game is easy to learn, but difficult to master. I personally believe that the timelessness of a game should simply be measured by how timeless it is. Ease of learning and difficulty of mastery may be concepts that I use to help my design, but I can never be sure that there aren't other factors at play. I think that the subjectivity arises because people claim that it requires different things in order to make a timeless game (except in this case we are measuring Halo maps). Let's talk more later! @MultiLockOn @Goat @Sethiroth @Xandrith
I understand what you mean. If I didnt understand the balance, my maps would be the same quality they were when i was forging in Foundry. I consider those ‘objective’ aspects basic knowledge to any competent level designer. That is why i place more emphasis on subjectivity. Understanding and accepting that not everyone values the same thing as another is an important part of growing as a level designer, and as a person. They feel similar because the maps that inspire me have many similarities. And those similarities are the qualities that make me enjoy and appreciate them from a design and gameplay standpoint. My view of subjectivity has nothing to do with what i create. I would rather take this to a party if anyone cares to continue it.
that's a given I ruined a filet mignon once and greatly enjoy taco truck burritos "good food" is hard to execute - when done right it tastes incredible, when done wrong it is awful "shitty food" is easy to execute - when done right its damn satisfying, when done wrong it's still pretty enjoyable
Nah it’s good food - but it’s “shitty food” *edit* I'm probably going to stop at a taco truck on my way home
How is it "shitty food"? Majority of their ingredients are fresher than grocery store and restaraunt ingredients
The one I went to had a hitch they used to transport all of their fresh stuff with them when they went to set up