Well I get it if you borrow a scripted door or a rounded staircase, but art? Where's the fun in that? Hey I'm not a designer, but I had a lot of fun with just creating the 'art' and themes.
Looks like @Given To Fly is the best. Actually **** that I've made some sweaty prefabs ahahahaha I had Sangheli doors before it was cool
some random art standards I threw together the other day. Final product will probably be 1: way more efficient, 2: way less detailed, 3: more stylized than busy. Also, giant tree. Lightning isn't baked in these.
Not even joking I was thinking about making that exact same joke, literally down to saying 2 fps too.
okay okay that's enough, all christian does is make soldat maps but forward in time. anyone could do that. I sketched the layout at work, came home, and slopped this out. There's a lot you can't see. I'm not even going to finish the slop out because I know what I want and I built the map too close to the ground. I'm just going to sketch a little more and then start the clean build tomorrow, which should be done in like 3 days aha also goat was impressed with my spires so **** you soldat