its the old Doom keycard, most levels had 3 of them - blue, yellow, red - that would open color-coded doors they even had skulls for keys in the hell levels
A gametype that already revolves around bunkering your team up into a room and playing defense, probably wouldn't marry well to a mechanic that involves controlling paths. Would be so campy with key team on defense lmao. Multi flag key though, that's an idea.
I just like the idea of having to physically hold the "key". Couldn't you just set the gametype up to score points like reggie slayer and just include the skull? Think that would allow a little more liberty with the advantages to the keyholder while nerfing their ability to kill
Yes absolutely, there's a few caveats that come to mind that I could spell out when I get back from the gym if you'd like
if everyone keeps putting skulls on their key doors, probably yeah ExTerrestr1al and I worked on that throwable support weapon, the area of effect thing would work pretty well for what you described - we (he) already have a "carryable" powerup that could even work the way Dunco mentioned above, but the problem is that its a 1-hit melee, so you could just camp by a door and pop out every once in a while. Now, if you were able to glue that key scripting to a magnum, an SMG, or even a depleted enegy sword with the tiny speedboost (or not, depending on testing), that could be really interesting. But as of right now idk if that's even possible..
I make 95% of my own prefabs - and they still havent been used in the game elsewhere - and the other 5% that ive borrowed, ive updated to look better and make way more sense in context Too bad the people who take Forge skill seriously stopped forging ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Prefabs are for lazy forgers who can't do their own art the greatest forger would never use someone else's work directly because then theyre not the greatest