Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by ForgeHub, Jul 12, 2013.
[ I should make a map to stomp you guys. Give me like two weeks and then I might make a map lol
Honestly i might be autistic, lol
I call it tac-tical-toe
Looks like a @Soldat Du Christ map.
No, pretty sure you are just clueless to what's actually funny. You try too hard for reactions
Cobalt? Mastery.
LMFAO ****ing goldleaf Edit: almost forgot about that one
People like this are why we still have DC putting out garbage live action movies
@Soldat Du Christ Still waiting for Swolldat
If you become a stripper would you be Poledat?
If he robbed a bank would he be Stoledat?
If he became a librarian would he be Scrolldat?
If he keeps digging himself deeper would he be a molerat?
If he worked out would he be swoledat
I'm pretty sure he AllDat
we already said that one okay you win ahahahahaha
I didnt see that. Ill redeem myself. If he was alone would he be Solodat?
No, that's if he was mediocre.
How to turn yourself into a meme.
Nah. If he ever went outside would he strolldat?