I took a day to break down why I like shooters and decided they are a representation of skill. That skill is seen as something to forward the individuals life. The part of life being fulfilled would be the security of territory (or war). I'm going to go a step further, and say I believe the security of territory is branched off of survival instinct. War itself isn't ingrained (at least other than culturally) in people, it's most basic form is surviving. I'm not advocating that war isn't a part of people, but it's original purpose has been severely bastardized.
This site looks so bulbous after using the mobile site for years I also fear for how fast I could reply to everything here. Probably an unconscious decision to keep whats left of my social life intact.
the words I write are meant to be spoken - give it a run through out loud and all should settle into place
Also we've had plenty of great candidates for post of the year in the last 100 pages or so. Go through and update the thread @waywo
Heard this convo earlier “Isn’t it amazing how water from the ground evaporates into the sky, and then pours back down everywhere to nourish the earth? God is great” “No, science is great. That’s just how the water cycle works” “And who designed it that way? Not science.” “Probably the guy who discovered it” “Understanding how something works or discovering it doesn’t mean you created it.” “But at least we can prove it works that way and wasn’t made by some man in the sky.” “True, because it wasn’t - it was made by a God.” “You can’t prove that” “What makes you think God cannot create hyrdogen and oxygen to design water and make it fall like rain? What makes you think God would’t use a big bang to speak light into a dark universe. You can’t prove God doesn’t exist, because blackholes didn’t exist to humans until we invented telescopes” So true. Somebody created what we can only interpret through our primitive means, like mathemathics, science, music theory, art, etc. The hierarchy cannot be avoided or ignored - merely interpretted. Or aliens.
I don't think that your conclusion comes from the premises. For example, someone can make a decision that brings them joy while still facing considerable turmoil. Imagine that a series of events in your life made things unfixably terrible, but you found that you can have more joy by taking up some hobby. Your life could still be so shitty that you might feel compelled to take your own life, even in the face of having taken up an enjoyable hobby. I think that people are smart enough to know when they are happy.