Well after best forger's hierarchy, transgenders, Lockout, Ben Shapiro, concentration camps and subjectivity I can't wait for the next 5 pages when I wake up tommorow morning and go sit on the toilet.
You know guys I was hinting at all of this back when I said something along the lines of "nobody knew they wanted Halo before it came out, and nobody knew they wanted shooters before they came out" y'all should've seen this coming people don't know what they want, and if they tell you, it's probably wrong
Okay come on that tower of power video is comedy gold come on Ahahaha it even includes a step by step process for taking the tower and holding it lmao. It's just like Guardian but with a turret, so you guys should like it even more.
We can never explain how we got so into these games to people who didn't experience exactly the same. Don't you ever watch a vid, trailer or montage and wished it was ten years ago for just this evening and play again. Goodnight nerds.
“If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses.” ― Henry Ford While there’s truth in that, it’s very risky, from a producer’s standpoint, to veere off the proven path and start a new trend. Halo’s a perfect example: They want to keep the game fresh and introduce ‘new’ mechanics to pull people from games that are more popular, but it hasn’t worked out so well. They may feel that we dont know what we want, but neither do they.
You can't possibly veer off the proven path and expect success if you don't even know what makes the proven path successful, hence 343's dilemma.
Is there any redeeming quality about ascension? All this talk made me rememver how much i hate that map and God knows why it was remade twice
If both of there are starting at the top then your opinion is already wrong, and I cannot disagree more with that view. The true self is exactly who you are - every choice you ever make is an expression of your values. You are always your true self, even on your deathbed. And growing older does not come even close to being the kind of thing that allows one's deep internal values to change. This requires deep thought, deep understanding, and a complete re-write of one's mental value structures. All of this has to do with how you integrate your experiences. And your experiences are at base sense level. The structure is there to support and calculate this stuff - its up to you to build something with that, and depending on what you find *important*, you will integrate differently, getting closer to a view of Reality as it Is, or nearer to a Reality as it is Not. This has to start at the bottom, with one person's mind and body, which necessarily exist in reality. Reality is the 'one point'. If you don't get there, you only get close, or you get further and further from it while still having to deal with it. As far as the respect goes, I have to be able to understand that someone has a different process. I have to be able to realize that we both exist in reality that is intelligible. I have to understand that the other person is not looking at what I am looking at - from there I can determine what we both consider more important, at base level. And then, from there, I can determine whether or not it is a discussion I want to keep having, and then choose how to express my choice. What do you think is important when designing a map, for Halo 5 in particular? Read it again and don't take it personally. I know you aren't the same person, but I also know that the talk of hierarchies comes from Peterson's works. I am well acquainted with his thought. I saw him talk at a conference two weeks ago. His metaphysics and epistemology is rooted in formlessness. This informs his rules for life, and affects everything he does. It is pure pragmatism, designed to be mass-marketable, and leads one down a path of 'social metaphysics' where reality is tied to whatever position you find yourself in a dominance hierarchy.This is Marxist Base-Structure Theory at its most distilled. To wit: all dominance hierarchies are socially constructed based on some criteria found within the social group. If reality is a dominance hierarchy, which must be socially-construed, then it is whoever is at the top's reality - which could very well be based on whomever the majority consensus finds to be the best. Does this mean God is a social construct? According to Peterson, yes - remember that he is working in the realm of Comparative Mythology. Not philosophy, and not Theology, with the goal of slowing down the balkanization of the US and Canada. If you are supposed to aim for the 'highest ideal' that you think is an ideal, and you are part of a dominance hierarchy, then whatever hierarchy you are in (and most importantly, whomever is at the top of this hierarchy) determines the ideal. This means that you ought to pursue what is already seen as good rather than what is actually good. These two are not actually the same. If you can't know what perfection is, then how can you define what the hierarchy of reality is, and judge against this? This is exactly the kind of 'consensus' argument that you [may have mistakenly] made; because what everyone wants is exactly what they say they want. Philosophically, and in the physiological realm, everyone wants the same thing - pleasure. But what people find important with regards to pleasure is different, and always will be. This is why you can have transgender individuals claim that they want to transition, who end up more miserable once they've transitioned, and who continue to destroy themselves until they choose the ultimate self-destruction. These people, most importantly, ignore why it is that they find something important in their analysis. You can present the greatest achievement in level design to a group of people well versed in whatever game it is, and they will not like it. Why? Because the map before them does not do what they find important. It doesn't matter what the Ultimate [Dominance] Hierarchy is, because it is a fundamentally top-down reality, and therefore unknowable. There is, therefore, no ideal, and no real in a Petersonian universe. ?????????????????? Multi do it ******
There isn't a helping of unreadable word salad big enough to convince me that there is no ideal to aim at in level design, or in life. Go ahead and pontificate yourself into that corner on your own time while the rest of us make bitchin' maps.